Happy Easter! Today it is a beautiful day, and I've been having a great day with my fiancee. We had a brunch of eggs benedict (without actual hollandaise sauce- I just made a white sauce with lots and lots of lemon). It was really quite good. My fiancee had never had any type of Eggs Benedict before, and he enjoyed it quite a bit. We followed it up with tea and chocolate.
Easter treats! My fiancee gave me this weirdly unsentimental card (yes, cat wearing rabbit ears... It is Easter. Isn't it...?), which made both of us laugh. We also had some Kinder Surprises (treats from his parents), and we surprised that the toys were actually good, and took work to assemble. Both of mine were dinosaurs (well... a stegosaurus and a pterodactyl). Impressive! Recently, Kinder Surprises have been sub-par. I've also been annoyed at how they came out with a series specifically for girls (isn't unisex good enough?).
Later, we went to the Hillhurst Flea Market, and snagged a couple beauties. The most exciting of which is a beautiful piece of vintage religious art.
Quite fitting to buy Christ the Resurrected on Easter Sunday. We found this and just adored it. Both my fiancee and I enjoy religious art (and I have a weird fascination with Jesus of Sacred Heart). What's even greater about the situation is that it was marked for $60, but the guy gave it to us for $30, because my fiancee has bought from him before, and we keep coming back. Bargooons... my fiancee is awesome at connections. So now we have amazing vintage religious art because of it. I mean, look at it! It's pretty big, too. Measures a little over a foot by maybe a little under three feet? It's a dandy.
Happy Easter again!