Sunday, 31 March 2013

Day 147: Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Today it is a beautiful day, and I've been having a great day with my fiancee. We had a brunch of eggs benedict (without actual hollandaise sauce- I just made a white sauce with lots and lots of lemon). It was really quite good. My fiancee had never had any type of Eggs Benedict before, and he enjoyed it quite a bit. We followed it up with tea and chocolate. 


Easter treats! My fiancee gave me this weirdly unsentimental card (yes, cat wearing rabbit ears... It is Easter. Isn't it...?), which made both of us laugh. We also had some Kinder Surprises (treats from his parents), and we surprised that the toys were actually good, and took work to assemble. Both of mine were dinosaurs (well... a stegosaurus and a pterodactyl). Impressive! Recently, Kinder Surprises have been sub-par. I've also been annoyed at how they came out with a series specifically for girls (isn't unisex good enough?). 

Later, we went to the Hillhurst Flea Market, and snagged a couple beauties. The most exciting of which is a beautiful piece of vintage religious art.

Quite fitting to buy Christ the Resurrected on Easter Sunday. We found this and just adored it. Both my fiancee and I enjoy religious art (and I have a weird fascination with Jesus of Sacred Heart). What's even greater about the situation is that it was marked for $60, but the guy gave it to us for $30, because my fiancee has bought from him before, and we keep coming back. Bargooons... my fiancee is awesome at connections. So now we have amazing vintage religious art because of it. I mean, look at it! It's pretty big, too. Measures a little over a foot by maybe a little under three feet? It's a dandy.

Happy Easter again!

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Day 146: Not the feel-good movie of the year

The drawing to the left is vaguely inspired by this movie called The Divide. It is an apocalyptic movie, centred around and focused on this group of people in a fallout shelter, and the horrors that occur in the shelter. Good apocalyptic movie, but dear Lord... It was weird. So many messed up parts. Somebody said that it could be a prequel to The Road, and it's not that far off. Definitely not the feel good movie of the year, though it did validate some of my beliefs regarding apocalypse preparation and survival.

1. Don't get scurvy. By 'don't get scurvy', I basically mean this as a concise way of saying keep up with your nutrients, and don't start rotting. I now have every intention of putting multi-vitamins and multi-mineral supplements in my bug-out bag. 
2. Have a team you can trust. Inevitably, you'll have to team up with strangers. Still, not a bad idea to have an ultimate team that you can at least have on call and contact. Or something. Ha, saying that in context of an apocalypse is silly. Still, have a team. Even if it's one or two people whom you know are solid, and won't end up being messed up monsters.
3. Find a way to realistically ration , and stick to the ration system. You will run out. The end of the world is not the time for grandiose feasts and decadence.

I think that if you like weird messed up movies themed around the apocalypse, this is probably the movie for you. For me, this movie was too close in feel to The Road, so I kept thinking about how watching The Road was like watching my own nightmares. Not pleasant. Any ways, that's why I drew the weird image. 

I feel sad and like I need to shower. What a dismal movie. Maybe I'll watch an episode of Adventure Time.

Day 145: Cheap Bed

I had the best intentions of doing some drawing, after showering. However, in the process of looking for my pencil case, I looked under my bed and saw... Horror. Now, I've noticed for a bit that my bed has been sagging on one side. Today, however, I saw that one of the legs is completely folded in, and there's the mysterious bump in the upholstery (why is the underneath support of a futon even upholstered to begin with??). So... okay. I tried to fix it, but it won't move without making horrible crk-crk-crk sounds. Lifting it up a bit, I also noticed that the far leg on the same side as the broken leg... That one is also starting to bend. Now, I'm no furniture expert, but I'm pretty sure that a bed should be able to support 110 (or less) lbs for about eight months without legs breaking. Or am I just morbidly obese? (Ha-jokes. If anything, I'm underweight and mostly muscle. But we can talk about my weight at another time. Right now I'm just rambling because I'm still freaking out). 

By this point, I had folded the futon up into a couch position to get a better look. I eventually gave up  on fixing the leg, but then when I tried to put it back down... Guess what it won't do? And guess who is going to have a miserable time sleeping tonight? If I go to sleep at all... I'm seriously upset. This whole bed/futon disaster thing happened after once again dealing with the broken drawer on my dresser (actually- it's not broken. But the furniture is cheap to the point that the drawer is actually 2 millimetres or so off, and therefore won't sit in the tracks properly. FYI- I wasn't the one to buy the furniture). I'm overall really miserable now. I had a pretty good day, but now it's 1:30 AM, I've been crying for about two hours, and I had to call my fiancee in misery. Now he's going to come over tomorrow morning to see if he can fix it, and if he can't... GREAT. My room mate is currently away, and I'm already losing a few days of work this weekend because she asked if she could have the place to herself for two nights because her girlfriend is coming over, so being a nice person, I'm crashing at a friend's house... But GAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGHHHHHHH. I'm already dealing on and off with stress and trying to manage things to the best of my advantage, but living with a room mate is slowly driving me insane, and things like dealing with shit furniture just kind of pushes me over the edge. Sure, I could sleep on the couch in the living room- but I don't like sleeping with a fat smelly gross cat who isn't mine (and for some reason, can't get it through her head that she's not allowed in a room. TODAY SHE WAS ON MY BED BECAUSE I LEFT THE DOOR OPEN. Sorry for the capital letters, but I'm really upset. Also... tiredness on top of a stress like wondering if I will ever sleep comfortably again before I move in with my soon-to-be-husband in August on top of everything else). I'm not even sure if my room mate will offer a suggestion or offer to get a new bed when I tell her that this one's legs are broken. I mean, that is what my damage deposit is supposed to go towards, right? 

Oh dear God... I'm so upset. The only slight comfort I have right  now is my mice (whom I love, but they're not quite as understanding as something like a parent or a fiancee or a dog). I'm exhausted, but I really don't want to sleep in any of the options I have. I definitely don't want to strip my bed so that I can comfortably sleep on the couch or the hideaway bed or even my floor. Why have Easter weekends tested my sanity over the past year? I don't want to live here any more. I really can't live in the same location for more than 8 months without going insane. It's like cabin fever. I feel like it will be different when I move in with my fiancee after our wedding, because the space will be more our space, and the rules will be our rules. There also won't be garbage sitting around for weeks. My summer... I'm worried about it. I'm really excited for my job, but continuing to live in this apartment might end me. Especially with this bed thing. Blarg... I need a hug. And an actual bed. Futons are the devil.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Day 144: Failed Cookies?

I made cookies. I used half butter and half coconut oil, and it got weird. They're really good. Except the ones that I kind of burned. Terrible situation with not timing properly. Cookies taste good, though. Sorry for the awkwardness in the video.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Day 143: Rubies like blood

Finally! I got my hands on some red glitter. Putting glue down and then pouring glue on worked much, much better, and it was much faster. I do leave a trail of bits of glitter wherever I walk, but no matter. I took the above photograph because it amused me in the fact that it looked like blood (only sparkling). But that might just be my morbidity talking.

For those of you not keeping score, I was in the process of making ruby slippers for a Steampunk Dorothy costume (from Wizard of Oz). It was a bit of a moral battle decided whether my costume should adhere more closely to the book or the movie (as I'm such a big fan of both). In the book, the shoes are actually silver, which I like, but I ended up going with ruby because as one of my friends put it- they are more iconic. Now I just have to sew the gingham part of the costume, and get my hands on some form of goggles or glasses that have emerald green lenses (goggle would be best, but I need some form of emerald lenses to go along with one of my favourite parts of the book).

And now, without further ado... The be-glitzed and bedazzled Ruby Slippers!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Day 142: Arabella Black


I have this character that I created a while ago. While sitting in art history, I was thinking about this dream that I had. I wrote and drew things centered around this character. I will enter the text below (for images in clockwise order, starting in top left corner).

Miss Arabella Black and the Rat King
Arabella looked down, and saw her dress stained with spots of blood. Lifting the fabric, she saw small bites. Black beetles scurried across her flesh. One of the insects was half-burrowed inside the skin. She gently pulled, and the insect came out, pulling a collection of leeches, ugly black bugs, and slipping black goo. It almost looked like dark blood, thick and gruesome. 

Quite quickly, Arabella was accepted by the Rat King, and named their queen. Within a brief time she became covered in scratches and bites, a result of the rats exploring their new subject. 

Arabella was often concerned that she once had a conjoined twin, who was now haunting her. There is no proof, but she continues a certain amount of suspecting that the freckle on her side is fact a curious scar.
What else could explain such pain and misfortune?

Arabella found herself in a dark place. She accepted her impending doom, and continued on, marched ever forwards towards her downfall.

If Arabella black fell down the rabbit hole, it wouldn't at all be a wonderland. 

Today was an odd day. I almost got hit by a car (I'm still fuming about that- it was in a parking lot). Later I had a very, very, minor allergic reaction to a steamed chicken bun that for some reason had shrimp in it. Fortunately I realized before I ate all of it. 

Monday, 25 March 2013

Day 141: Rings around mice

A few weeks ago, my friend sent me a video of mice being well-trained and terribly clever. One of the parts showed a little grey mouse placing rings upon the mistress' fingers. Is anything more enchanting than a mouse placing a ring upon a lady's fingers? It's like something from the pages of a fairy tale, or a little side note in some kind of beautiful mythology. Since my life is always better with a touch of whimsy (which is why I go chasing rabbits and hares, howl at the moon, and find myself have conversations with curious foxes), I decided to try training my mice to place rings upon my fingers. I placed an old ring partially on my finger, in the hope that my mice would play with it, and push it on further. This half worked. Whiskey (my most bold and curious of little mouse princesses) was most drawn to the sparkly and shining object upon my finger, and did at one time push it onto my finger (a moment of thrills and magic), but after that, she decided that she wanted the treasure for herself. Understandable. I, too, am a magpie, attracted to shiny objects or things that I have never before seen. Still, this added that much more fairy tale beauty to my life. I want to write a fairy tale or something like it, centred mainly around mice placing rings upon fingers, with other inspiration drawn from rat kings. Oh, I do love rodents. I jotted down a few words that came to mind. This is what I wrote (though I need to edit and write more and draw and perhaps transform into a mouse myself).

My life is meant to have touches of whimsy, just as it is meant to be haunted by ghostly presences and remnants of a past life. Just as mice scurry away, carrying souls like whisps of silver gossamer, so she steals my ring. She steals it to bury and scratch,her black eyes sparkling behind a mask of dust-soft fur.

That is what I wrote immediately in my notebook. If I were to edit it, it would be something more like...

My life is meant to have touches of whimsy, just as it is meant to be haunted by ghostly presences and remnants of a past life. The mice scurry, carrying souls like shimmering threads, descending into a dark underworld where sparkling treasures are the only light. Just like a mouse stealing a soul, she steals my ring. She steals it to bury and scratch, her black eyes sparkling behind a mask of dust-soft fur.

Needs more work. I'll just keep writing. Particularly since I just realized... This seems to be echoing a lot of what I'll be writing about for an art piece I'm working on.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Day 140: Sketchy Collaging

Today I ascertained that eight harness looms hate me, and that I don't want to weave for school any more. Every project I've done has been a disaster, and now I'll have a late project (as well as potentially being just as sad). On the bright side of my miserable day, my fine fiancee and I were able to go and scrounge around a flea market, and then have refreshing beverages on this most beautiful of sunny days. Also on the bright side, I was able to collage my sketchbook. I find that I like decorating my sketchbooks for no other reason than if I decorate them, I can distinguish the front of the book from the back of the book. I chose images that I'd photocopied from two books a while ago. One is an image from a book on children's illustrators. I can't recall who the artist is, but they drew this curious image of an 18th century navy officers being shot, and all of the blood forms whimsical shapes. The swirly curlicue shape is from an old book full of banner designs for artists to use. I'd like to get my hands on some of those books. They sell them at Mona Lisa in Calgary, and they seem like great references. Especially for me and my enjoyment of incorporating various historical designs into my comics.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Day 139: Bow ties

Isn't this a dashing photograph? My fiancee and I joined some steampunks today to go and see the film Oz The Great and Powerful. I absolutely loved it, as it was a perfect marriage between the books, the 1939 movie, and new imaginings. It's a prequel, with several lovely references and ties, but is also separate. I think that L. Frank Baum would be pleased, as it emphasizes the fairy tale-ness of the world, and seems to tie with what he wanted to create for the United States. My man friend and I dressed up in a casual form of steampunk (he was inspired to dress like Professor Indiana Jones. Not quite steampunk, but he pulled it off really well, and if he'd had a fedora and round gold spectacles, it would be exact). Thus the photograph above. I decided that the red bow tie with the grey lapel of his double breasted coat and white shirt created a nice composition. 

After the film, five of us went to the Rose & Crown pub on 4th Street. It was great. It was built in the 1920s as a funeral home, and is rumored to be haunted. I want to return later and check out the attic, which is still decorated as it was back in the day, with the same furniture and everything. I'm quite intrigued by the idea that it is haunted, and who knows? Perhaps I will encounter some ghostly inhabitants at some point. Though I doubt it. I doubt that I would ever be there alone or at a quiet enough of a time. I don't know if I believe in ghosts, but ghost stories and encounters fascinate me.

Oh, also, I built a Kinder Surprise toy. Though, I think that Kinder Surprise is way less exciting than it was when I was younger. Two pieces to make a toy isn't exactly complicated. Maybe modern kids are dumber? Ah well. The chocolate is acceptable.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Day 138: Cat-tastic


On the way home from a long day of school, I met a black cat. I became friends with the cat for a few brief minutes. The above comic was requested by a friend of mine. Of course, it's a bit more elaborate and borderline Lovecraftian than the reality of the situation. I mostly just like my drawing of Vincent Price at the beginning (doesn't look exactly like him, but I'm pleased nonetheless).

Said cat, who reminded me of a conversation from Coraline by Neil Gaiman.

"'What's your name,' Coraline asked the cat. 'Look, I'm Coraline. Okay?'
'Cats do't have names,' it said.
'No?' said Coraline.
'No,' said the cat. 'Now you people have names. That's because you don't know who you are. We know how we are, so we don't need names.'

Tomorrow I am finally going to see Oz the Great and Powerful with several steampunks, followed by some casual ghost hunting and curiosity seeking with my fiancee. It should be a rich, full, day! More on that later.


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Day 137: Pasta!

I made delicious and extravagant pasta! Well... not extravagant. But I put more work into than I normally do. I took this recipe for chicken pasta with lemon cream sauce and altered it significantly because I didn't have a lot of the ingredients. I ended up just making a white sauce and adding lemon to make it a lemon white sauce. It was actually the best cream sauce I've ever made. I didn't add the peas that the recipe asked for, but I did make asparagus. The whole thing was delicious! 

In other news, I carried one of my mice (Whiskey) around my room today. It's weird because she seems to be a little bit skittish when she's out, but as soon as I put her back in the cage, she climbs onto their loft and pokes her nose through the bars. She then has a bit of a wistful look about her. What a wonderful creature.

Also, one of my other mice (Winchester) climbed into my hand a little bit. On two occasions. As far as my mice go, I have almost 66% of their trust. Not too bad! And Whiskey will climb down my arm now. I want to train them to do magical and intelligent things. I know that they're capable. They are brilliantly clever creatures.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Day 136: Interview with a... Not a vampire

Ermagerd history! Fort Calgary style. I didn't really have the chance to do anything creative today. However, I did adventure around Calgary a little bit (after having a job interview). It was so beautiful out! Who wants to spend time inside when it's absolute t-shirt weather? (Yes, I was wearing layers, but this was earlier. I was sweating soon enough) Any ways.... creativity of the mind. Also known as... inspiration!

Look how excited I am!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Day 135: Lace Kimono

I finished my lace shirt. I need to fix it, because it's kind of impractically huge (especially in the sleeves). It's like wearing a kimono-styled something. I might rework it later on. For now, though... it's complete! Even though it's a terrible photograph that doesn't really show the garment very well...

Monday, 18 March 2013

Day 134: Lydia Deetz

I drew some Lydia drawings. Relating directly to scenes from the movie. That's about it.

Oh! I did make crepes. How were they, you ask? Terrible. Never look on for crepes recipes. I've tried twice, and both times have been dismal, disgusting pieces of cardboard. Today was a little bit more of a success... but not great. Acceptable for the time being, but I've had better. (i.e. any pancakes of my entire life. Except for the really gross ones I made). 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Day 133: Kimono Deetz

I was actually trying to finish it in an hour, but I'm not insane and I value sleep. I'm currently in the process of making a lace shirt. It's inspired by a combination of Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice and the Kimono-sleeve dresses that were quite popular during the early Edwardian era (1910s). We'll see how it goes. I'm not using a pattern. And it's kind of made up of squares and rectangles (pieces of fabric-wise). 

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Day 132: Dorothy

I spent a lot of my day planning a party (a very important party!), but I did make some progress in making my Dorothy costume. It's going to be steampunk-esque, while still having traditional elements. Including... Blue gingham! I got most of the pieces cut out. Soon to start sewing and such! Also, watched an Elvira movie. Always a good way to spend time!

Friday, 15 March 2013

Day 131: Tim Burton Inspired

I'm a fan of Tim Burton films. I like the gothic whimsy feel that is in all his films (both animated and not). A few days ago my fiancee and I re-watched Tim Burton's Mars Attacks! and Beetlejuice (one of my favourite movies of all time). Seeing the character of Lydia Deetz again inspired me to want to dress like a Tim Burton character (and be veeerry gothic). Lydia Deetz is kind of my hero ("I myself, am strange and unusual"). Today I compiled an outfit inspired by her. It would have been better if it wasn't cold again (seriously- one day of plus twelve weather immediately followed by snow and cold. Not fair. Albeit, it was sunny and wasn't minus twenty. Thankfully), but I made it work with my bulky pea coat. Stripes and black all around. Plus my weird sunglasses, and for a while I was wearing my fangs (just because. I've worn them for three days now). Also, I learned that I love teasing my hair to make it into a mess. Even though it's hard to tell in the photos.

Really, I don't think there's a better way to dress when going to a thrift store. I'm kind of challenging myself to go all Burton-esque for a few days. We'll see how that goes!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Day 130: Rings and Things


I made cupcakes! A friend of mine came over for tea so that he could show me some shirts that he bought second hand (in hope that I can alter them a little bit so that they fit him better), and I made us cupcakes. Later my fiancée joined us, and surprise! The engagement ring that I bought him had arrived in the mail. However, he mis-measured his finger size, so it doesn't quite fit.  Since it's engraved, I can't exchange it. Nonetheless, he's happy to wear it on a necklace, so that's what we did. It's tungsten carbide, which is significantly stronger than any other material. Nonetheless... It looks pretty good on a leather cord, and I have now made something meaningful for him (even though I didn't make the most important part- the ring).

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Day 129: Fangs for nothing

Fangs for nothing, dollar store paint and glitter paint gunk! See? It's funny because I have fangs. One of the higher moments of my day.

The shoes are turning out... Okay... but I need actual glitter or sequins. They need to be dazzling! After all, they're ruby slippers.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Day 128: Far too much inherent excitement

Okay, far too much excitement, both inherent and formerly present. I feel like I'm not making anything lately, for all kinds of silly reasons. School makes it difficult, especially when I'm trying to get more sleep. Any ways... Tomorrow. Tomorrow is when things are going to happen. The above photo is the representation of what is going to begin. Dorothy, particularly! I'm so excited to start my Steampunk Dorothy costume. Thank you to my lovely mother who sent me the fabric in the mail. I'm so glad that I remembered of its existence and asked for it. I can't wait to get started, especially with the steampunk patterns I have!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Day 127: Dollar store... Why.

Today, after a successful (albeit frustrating) day preparing for a couple of weaving projects, I came home with the intent of working on my ruby slippers. I'm regretting several decisions. Well, mostly 1) Not having proper brushes 2) Buying paint and glitter glue from a dollar store. Initially, I was opting for actual dry glitter. Instead, I bought red paint (which shows up rusty-ish in the above photograph) and some glitter glue stuff. Ugh. What is wrong with me. I now have to make a trip to Michaels (inconvenience to the extreme). Annoying... And disappointing. I am not pleased.

In other news, I got my AirMiles card today. I decided that since I shop primarily at Safeway and Shoppers Drug Mart, it made sense to get an AirMiles card, so that I can do that much more to inch towards travel (maybe? Slowly...). 

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Day 126: Gave him change

A lot happened today, as I got up, went to school to paint walls, and then met my friend. Some shenanigans occurred, but alas... No art work. Still, a huge transition in my life occurred, so I think that counts.

Any ways, I mostly wanted to share a story about this young man in Kensington asking for change. He offered to give a poem, riddle, or a joke in exchange for loose change. Deal! So he told a beautiful spoken word poem, and gave a riddle. I can't really regale them, but it was so wonderful to see someone giving something in exchange for something small like a few quarters or something. It was one thing that added to making my later afternoon amazing. Hurrah!

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Day 125: Oh my ears and whiskers

"Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!"

Still working on my White Rabbit inspired Steampunk costume. It's so close to being finished, and I'm so happy! I spent a great deal of the day working on my bustle, and it's coming along pretty well. It has a puff ball of fox fur to mimic a rabbit tail (eee!) and one layer of the bustle has coat tails (of course a White Rabbit inspired anything would need coat tails). I have also finished my thigh-high boot-cover spat things (I need to iron them, but no big deal) and mimic-garters. Now I just need to complete my accessories, particularly a head piece of some kind that will mimic rabbit ears in some way, and add a link of chain to the top part of the bustle to have some charms and details on (including a small coin purse that I bought from Value Village for $3). 

Any ways... The brooch! I decided that I needed something that absolutely related to the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. I decided that having a quote from the White Rabbit himself would be fitting. However, 'I'm late!' emblazoned on anything would raise many questions and create awkward situations. So... I found this quote! It is definitely rabbit-ish, but without the obviousness (and awkwardness). I also like it because it's just so lagomorphish and rodentish. I'm quite pleased with this brooch. I didn't use resin on the cameo like I normally would, but instead I experimented with white school glue. The result? Pretty good if you ask me. It's textured, light, and really smooth. Getting it more or less even before it dried was difficult, but worth it! I'm going to remember this for the next cameos I make. I might even make more brooches. I like how it looks, even with the mixed brass looks. 

Friday, 8 March 2013

Day 124: French Press Cozy

Not a good image (I don't have a French Press myself), but this is my first attempt at making a cozy of any kind. It's three layers (two of cotton, and one of wool) and it's okay... For a first attempt. Alright!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Day 123: Merry Unbirthday!

Just a little bit of context first...

Merry Unbirthday! To who? To me! To you! 

Now, this isn't what inspired today. This was an afterthought. Apparently the combination of yours truly plus baking red velvet cupcakes plus decorating madness... It all adds up to equal an unbirthday celebration! I guess today was the unbirthday that had to be celebrated!

So here we have it. Red velvet cupcakes, with pink swirly frosting (sadly store bought... It was actually cheaper for what I needed. I added food colouring, though. It hilariously looks like tooth paste), marshmallows, and melted chocolate for designs and letters. In a row, they spell out 'unbirthday', though it's hard to tell when they're all gathered up on a plate. 

Now, just to end off... Please enjoy this Alice in Wonderland remix by POGO! It's ambient and rhythmic. I've always been quite fond of it. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Day 122: I forgot!

Okay, this is backwards. The Pinhead pincushion is what I made today (March 6th 2013), but I did make something yesterday. Apparently I straight up forgot to blog about it, even though I posted it to Facebook and it's the entire reason I ended up staying up later than I intended.

Hellraiser embroidery!

This is a Pinhead quote that I found randomly. I liked it, because it also went along with my sentiments towards annoying people who say stupid things and won't go away. I made this yesterday (March 5th 2013) but forgot.

Now, having seen yesterday's post and today's post... you may or may not be wondering 'What's with all of the Pinhead stuff?' Well, first off, I like Pinhead. He's probably my favourite horror franchise icon who is recognizable as something important, even if you've never seen the films (like Jason and maybe Leatherface and the Jigsaw puppet from Saw... at least, if you're already fairly conscious of horror movies). Secondly, I finally got around to reading a Hellraiser graphic novel that my friend gave me for Christmas. This made me go on a bit of  Hellraiser kick, which apparently came through the form of crafty crafts. I do  not have a problem with that.

Day 121: I AM PIN

I did it! I finally did it! I made a Pinhead pincushion! I've had it in the back of my mind for ages (mostly because the idea amuses me to no end... it's just so fitting!). The head is fairly large (because, c'mon. You can't put pins anywhere except the head. It's PINhead). He's also in this weirdly sassy scholar pose or something. That was accidental, but as a pincushion, it makes me giggle and is quite fitting. 


For those you unfamiliar, Pinhead is the lead Cenobite from the horror franchise Hellraiser. Cenobites are demons who are attached to this puzzle box. If you're curious and not too squeamish, go ahead and watch them. Especially the first two. The first two are the best (1980s, whaddup). I also like the third one, mostly because it's so peculiar (though not perfectly canon with the first two. Or it is, and I can't remember a couple key details). So yeeah! I'm quite pleased. Even if I don't end up using it as a practical pincushion (lo behold,  it's not really practical).

(Side note: "I am pin" is a sewing pun of "I am pain", one of Pinhead's most famous quotes from the films).

Monday, 4 March 2013

Day 120: Why so tired

This is going to be the first day that I don't post anything. I'm just too tired today, and lately I haven't had any inspiration or dedication to do anything except for school work and Grimm Fabrications stuff. I'll try to do something tomorrow. Ugh.. disappointing. I didn't even bake anything today.

Though, I did cook steak. And that was absolutely wonderful.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Day 119: Tin Man... With a vengeance

So tired and lazy today. I wish I'd been more productive... but that didn't happen. I did toy with the idea of what the Tin Man would look like if he was vengeful, though. I want to do a comic based on a combination of his back story (from the original story of The Wizard of Oz) and his revenge. It'd probably going to be kind of steampunk and scary and gory. We'll see. Any ways... it's a project I'm thinking about. 

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Day 118: In between a movie and a show...

See how I dramatically made each image larger and larger? I figured that this much baking required a bit of dramatics. While having some down time in between seeing The Last Exorcism: Part II (ha. Not as good as the first one, but entertaining) and going to the Glenbow Museum for a Corb Lund concert (!! SO EXCITED!), I made supper for myself and my friend. Now, note that I initially wasn't going to make this much food (and yes. All the food pictured- is food I made). Let me illustrate how this took place.

1. I wanted to make mini chicken pot pies. I took out some frozen pie crust that I had, because I assumed that it was pie crust. Nope, biscuits! This led to making biscuits dough. Which led to...

2. Having thawed pie crust, and not sure what to do. So... I made an apple pie. This was while I was already planning to...

3. Make pretzels and cinnamon buns (cinnamon buns specifically due to the fact that I have this leftover icing that I wanted to use up). 

And thus... I have lunch for the next few days!

Friday, 1 March 2013

Day 117: The Cowardly Lion

I decided that it was high time that I made a Cowardly Lion hood. I've been planning to for a while, because I absolutely adore the Cowardly Lion. In general, The Wizard of Oz is one of my favourite modern fairy tales (and one of my favourite movies). From the movie, the Cowardly Lion is my favourite character. His frightened mantra of "I do believe in spooks! I do, I do, I do believe in spooks!" sticks with me, and I know most of his King of the Forest song by heart. In the book, the Tin Man's back story is my favourite (a devastatingly gorey and steampunk-ish tale, that is hauntingly beautiful). Still, a Tin Man isn't terribly suited to make a fur hood out of. And thus... Our fearful furry friend has been turned into a hood!
Oh my... That sounds morbid. His spirit has been transferred into a hood? Hurm. There's no good way of saying this. Maybe I'm too tired and that combined with watching the Gene Wilder Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is making me slightly morbid. Who knows!

Any ways... Ta-da! This lion hood is based off of the movie, book, and my own imaginings. It has a thick reddish mane, with less furry reddish ears, and a crown! I am intending to add a red bow to the head, as what would the Lion be without his permanent? I kind of wish that the mane was more lion-like, and that the hood was more lion-like in general, but trial and error. I don't know if I'll keep it or part with it. I'm not really attached to any hoods that I make... but this one was one that I just really wanted to make. 

Now, to clean off my work space (a.k.a. bed) and curl up with a sketchbook and the last bit of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. After all... The suspense is terrible.

I hope it lasts.