Sunday, 11 November 2012

Day 7: Remember remember the days of Movember

Today is Remembrance Day, which is a very important day of observation. Today's art doesn't have anything to do with Remembrance Day, but I still want to say... Lest we forget.

November is important for many reasons. It has days of remembrance and reflection, and many days that observe death. It's not necessarily in a sad way, though. Sometimes it's purely thoughtful and a way of forming connections. Within the last few years, the month of Movember has become increasingly 'popular' (so to speak). It is a month to bring prostate cancer to the public eye, and remind the population that men can go through life changing (and in some ways identity changing) cancer, as well as women. I'm in huge support of fundraisers and organizations raising money for prostate cancer cures. I love all of the men in my life, and the idea of anything affecting them on that level is painful. A cure of all cancers is something that everyone hope for.

Today's creation isn't necessarily to raise awareness. I guess it's just fitting that I came up with these designs while it's Movember. Men are often fantastic creatures, which is why I'm glad that so many of my friends are male. All of the men I know are honest, talented, and extremely interesting and ever changing individuals whom I care about and am proud to even call acquaintances. Because of this, I just like drawing men, even though I'm not very good at it.

I think my admiration for 19th century men influenced these more than anything. The symbol of Movember is that of the moustache, but for me that's kind of coincidental. I'll likely do a few of these, depicting different 19th century inspired men, along with other characters that I've been creating and working on. I should really start writing their stories...

The materials are acrylic paint, ink, cabochon setting, and resin. I like making pendants like this!

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