Friday, 31 May 2013

Day 208: Last day of Zombie Awareness Month

For those of you who don't know, the month of May is Zombie Awareness Month. Why? Most zombie movies take place during May. At least, the classics do. Specifically, most early George Romero movies. Which are the only zombie movies that really matter.

No photos today, but I did attempt a zombie alphabet. It is something that my fiancee (then boyfriend) and I had attempted, but it didn't really pan out. Though I did bind a beautiful and almost perfectly bound book for that whole thing. Any ways... I tried again. And failed. The first few lines are...

A is for aim (aim for the head)
B is for bury (bury all the dead)
C is for carry (all the guns you can bear)
D is for dead (but you shouldn't care)
E is for every (body you once knew)
F is for family (the loved ones that you slew)

That's about it. I did go up to K, but I forgot that J comes between I and K, so it messed everything up. And those ones weren't very good any ways. I'm kind of tired so I'm having trouble concentrating... And with my basic alphabet. Apparently.

Now, before May is over, go and watch a zombie film or read a good zombie book! Awareness should be spread!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Day 207: Haiku

The only thing that makes me sad about rain is the number of earthworms who end up on the side walk. This eventually leads to their demise, which is quite unfortunate, as earthworms don't do anything, except chew up and excrete dirt. But still, they get lost on the pavement and then they either dry up or get squished by insensitive humans. I didn't try saving any, as it was still raining when I passed them. Instead, I wrote a mournful haiku. You might be wondering about the 'twelve inches long' part. Well, I saw one earthworm who, when stretched out to its full length, was quite long. Twelve inches is an exaggeration... but maybe eight. Poor earthworms.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Day 206: Video Number Three with Coyote

Once again, a video on YouTube featuring Coyote. I also took this very fine photograph, edited to look old. The dirty blanket I put behind me seems to help in making the background look old. I have also started a playlist for my Coyote videos, should someone want to watch all of them at once without stopping. 

I really do have a lot of fun with Coyote, as a steampunk persona. She's very eclectic, and I think she's fairly close to what I would have been like if I had lived in the Old West. Well, maybe not entirely. She's far more interesting. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Day 205: The extent of my photoshopping skills

I decided to play around with PhotoShop, just to do something different. The above is the extent of my skills.  I've done basic PhotoShop before, but I'm not very good. Or terribly dedicated to do anything more than this. Plus, this scene from Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas roughly sums up how I feel when driving. I tend to turn into slightly paranoid Raoul Duke. And thus, I would like to own a pair of yellow sunglasses that look like the glasses worn by Raoul Duke/Hunter S. Thompson. Then when I go driving I can be even more outrageous. Though in reality I'm a safe driver. Paranoia and driving below the speed limit tends to do that. 

Monday, 27 May 2013

Day 204: Drawing Coyote

Today, I fashioned a drawing board (in this case, a piece of plywood which I used as a hard surface to draw on, as all of my flat surfaces are still out of commissions). I wanted to play around with drawing my steampunk character Coyote. She's a fun character. When I go on a camping trip in June with a few friends I will be dressing up as her. And lucky for me, I found a fur collared coat at Value Village for a decent price. The fur collar is detachable, and it looks more coyote-ish than fox, so I'm going to try to fashion it into more of a pelt that will dangle off of my belt. It is a decent size of fur, so I should be able to do something good with it. 

By the way, in case you are wondering... In the pencil drawing (the second photograph), Coyote is holding (and using) her summoning tool. It is one of the objects that I fashioned and posted about a few weeks ago. In the drawing you can vaguely see some wisps, which are ghosts being attached to the brass, after being attracted to the quartz. 

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Day 203: Wonderland Plans and miscellaneous short films

Today, other than staying in bed for several hours and sleeping in, I didn't do much except go to a friend's house for a meeting and partake in planning a Wonderland-themed event. Wonderful! I absolutely adore my steampunk friends, and a day with really good double bergamot tea (really quite very delicious) and fresh scones and dainties... it is a good day. Not to mention that it is made even better by flipping through lovely copies of Alice in Wonderland and then watching short films and overall just enjoying the company of fantastic and interesting people. We watched Backwater Gospel, an animated short film. Once again I was inspired by the imagery, and drew the above image. 

Really, though, the Alice in Wonderland  planning and discussion was far more of a creative event than drawing. Not to mention that it was just a wonderful change of pace for a Sunday afternoon. 

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Day 202: Star Trekking Geese

This morning I rolled up to work and the geese were like 'whaddup, we got a big flock'. Eight geese. Just owning the place. 

Also, I saw the new Star Trek movie, and it was fantastic. I hastily drew a five second drawing, based off of the poster. Oh, Benedict Cumberbotch is awesome.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Day 201: Coyote Discusses Vengeful Spirits

The video is still being processed/edited, but you can watch the video here:
(at your leisure, of course).

I'm enjoying this new steampunk character of mine. She's a bit sarcastic, and it's an opportunity for me to talk about ghosts, and pretend that I'm an expert while being in an Old West & Steampunk setting. Quite lovey, really. I am planning to do more videos like this, maybe expanding into an actual web series with different characters and stuff at some point. I am opening the floor to people to send me questions and concerns about ghosts, which will be answered and responded to by Miss Coyote. It'll be fun! 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Day 200: Charles Dickens

I made a tank top that reads 'Charles Dickens is my homeboy'. Apparently this is what happens when I have boredom combined with a brand new book on Charles Dickens. I do like Charles Dickens. I haven't even read that many of his books. Still, I am in love with what he writes, and what he stands for. I found the most amazing book at Chapters. Well, I found seven amazing books. All of which were in the bargain section (thus, before the Charles Dickens book, six books costed me the equivalent of one of the books at normal price, and they are all amazing). The book on Charles Dickens that I bought is 200 hundred years of Charles Dickens (1812-2012), and it has copies and reproductions of ephemera that Charles Dickens wrote or made or was involved with. Copies of photographs, play books, manuscripts, et cetera. It is so gloriously beautiful. He was a wonderful person. I found a quote of his that I am quite fond of, especially in this day and age.

"Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true."

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Day 199: Exhaustion and Exemplary Skills

I don't have anything to really post today. I am hastily typing this, as I draw near to curling up in bed and, hopefully quickly, falling to sleep. Having a full 9 to 5 job is something. It's very satisfying and often rewarding, but my schedule is an odd kind of routine that is easily shaken by any change (and that shaking results in less hours of sleep and not making anything creative). Still, I've been reading more, and everything has been well.

The reason I am more tired right now is because first, I was at a birthday party for my soon-to-be niece. I guess that at the moment I am an honorary aunt. She turned one, and my fiancee and I bought her an adorable little monkey, and gave her and her three year old brother the most amazing blocks. (The blocks are XYZ blocks... an alternative to ABC blocks. They have things like pictures of V for Voodoo Doll, S for Sunburn, O for Outhouse, E for Extraterrestrial.. et cetera et cetera. They're fun for the parents and the children). Now I am getting to bed a bit late, having had a long visit with my soon-to-be extended family.

In other news, I am also tired because of a long day at work. It wasn't too long. It actually sped by quite quickly. My boss gave me some interesting jobs. The most interesting are researching two houses, to write brief historical paragraphs for signs. I'm quite pleased, because... I may have revealed secrets lost to others. Archives bend to me, and we get along famously. Old books and flyers and resources will reveal to me things that others have missed. Let me clarify. One of the houses I am researching is called the Hunt House. It is the oldest building still on its original location in Calgary. Everything online that mentions this house is different. Different address (only slightly, but different enough), different date of being recognized as a historical site, et cetera. Not pleasing to a person like me. See, I don't necessarily like writing papers or siting resources, but I absolutely love finding resources and researching my toes off. I go to the absolute finest detail of everything, so that every scrap of information is evident. Through this mastery of in-depth research, I found a person who is very likely the person who built the house, and I have narrowed that time down to a mere 4 years, whereas every other source had a range of seven years. I just need a few documents from the Glenbow Archives to validate my findings. As much as I can in regards to a log cabin, without going back in time and saying 'Pardon me, sir, but could you tell me who built that house, and what year?', and them answering, at which point I nod my head in thanks, bid my farewell, and return to the present. Seriously, though, I'm so exciting. It's like finding something thrilling and knowing that you are the only person who has discovered this. I mean, if I'm not the first, why are all of the dates so arbitrary and broad... and why is so much information not present? What makes me more pleased is the fact that I'm not even a history major. I'm like an archaeologist of facts and information. Carefully brushing and picking away, until there is a precious jewel underneath, ready to change everything.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Day 198: Badger Birthday

A badger birthday card. That's about it. I like badgers. I drew a European badger, though I like all types of badgers. The end!

Monday, 20 May 2013

Day 197: Victoria Day

Today is Victoria Day in Canada. I'm not really sure why we have this holiday, as Queen Victoria is long gone, and has been replaced with one or two kings and another queen. Whatever the case... I suppose Queen Victoria did some good things. I doodled these drawings. They don't really look like her.. but nonetheless...

Oh, bonus. A horrible photograph of my makeup from last night. My mouth looks odd because of fangs.

Day 196: Great Gatsby!

Excuse the person sitting on the bench. We caught him in a photograph by accident. Didn't really notice until later. 

Finally, my Great Gatsby inspired outfit. Plus the outfit of my fiancee (and thanks to fellow Steampunks he attained a Boater hat! I think he looks mighty dapper). I'm not sure that I'm terribly pleased about the dress, but I tried, and ultimately it turned out okay. Not perfect, but acceptable, and it was perfect to dance in. 

My dress is a combination of cheap Wal-Mart polyester/spandex blend (the devil...) and polyester satin from Fabricland. I'm glad that I had the satin. I used it to add a waist piece,  in an attempt to make it a drop-waist (or at least less of a natural waist), and I also used it to put two triangles in the skirt to open it up. I did it last night. Because that's how I roll.

The head piece is something I found at Claire's on a fluke (and it worked perfectly). Same with the earrings and the gloves. Claire's, Claire's and more Claire's. I'm most excited about the head piece. I hope that I have an opportunity to wear it again. 

Finally, my wonderful shoes. I happened to find these at MCC Thrift Store. They are vintage (I peg them between the 20s and 50s. I'm not perfectly sure...) and blue velvet. They fit me perfectly, and I was able to wear them all day without any trouble. Also perfect for dancing, apparently.

You might be wondering where the dancing part comes in. Yes, the Great Gatsby thing was for a trip to the theatre, so see The Great Gatsby for the second time (we liked it that much, and we love an excuse to dress up). Then, in the evening we went to a nightclub for an event, which featured lots of performance and loud music. Both of us had Tarot readings done, we had a lovely portrait taken (of us as 1920s vampires. For the evening we added dead makeup and fangs), and danced a bit. We danced in the fashion of pseudo-Charleston. My dress twirled marvellously and my beads flew about. All in all...We rocked it. Another lovely evening for the power duo.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Day 195: 1920s-ing it up

Glitz and glamour... Finishing up a 1920s-themed outfit.

..The night before I'll be wearing it. I'm brilliant.

This included editing a horrible mess of a polyester-spandex dress into something that looks 1920s-ish. Not an easy feat. It's acceptable, but next time I'll probably just make the dress. Blah. Now I just have to figure out a glitzy head band. And curl my hair...

Friday, 17 May 2013

Day 194: Brownies

I'm not sure if these mostly-vegan, gluten-free, and sugar-free brownies I made are a success or not. On a whim, we decided to put gin in them. It has a mild after taste, that isn't quite distinguishable as gin... but something is there. It's okay... just not great. Not sure if I want to give them to anyone. I might have to whip up something else tomorrow. 

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Day 193: Cookies!

Does it count when I post about the same recipe more than once on this blog? It would be more creative and adventurous to try a different recipe... but chocolate chip oatmeal cookies are so perfect. Especially after a long day, and even more so when it's overcast and just a little chilly outside. I had the best intentions of doing something creative today. But, alas... All I wanted was to go for a walk (check), watch Doctor Who (check), eat fresh baked cookies (check!), and retire to bed. So despite the fact I didn't make any art (except for the brilliant art-based things I did at work... FYI I am quite excellent at drawing balloon animals using chalk), I am satisfied in what I accomplished today, both at work and after work. Still, working wears me out. I don't remember being this tired when I worked at my last museum. Maybe it's the fact that I only have a half hour lunch and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to take breaks or not. Whatever the case... I get a lot done in a day and I'm making a decent wage. For that, I am happy. Hopefully I'll start motivating myself to clean my room and tidy my work space, and then in evenings I'll get into the groove of actually making art and working on projects (other than reading and watching Doctor Who and going to bed early). I have so many things that I need to catch up on. I need to finish assembling a wedding gift for two of my friends, and finish my Gatsby outfit (I think I figured out how to make my dress more 1920s-like. Or I'll just add a longer skirt over top) for this weekend. Then I need to start making my wedding dress, fix a fox tail, start on a commission project, make several cake stands, start working on wedding invites and...and...!! Busy busy. I might have to get help after all. Good news is, my fiancee has plenty of time on his hands, so I will be roping him into making some stuff too (reluctantly... I do really want to make everything myself because it seems like it'll be fun). I've been busy to the point that my room is a disaster, and I still haven't unpacked or cleaned my most recent antique purchase! It's a beautiful invalid tea cup that I saw a few months ago, and it was there once again, as if waiting for me. I needed to take it home. Especially for the $2.95 that it costed me... er... my fiancee (I didn't have cash, and I couldn't use my debit card. So... thanks, sweetie!). I think I'll make sure that I at least do that amidst all of the excitement of this weekend. Then I will slowly work towards organization. I could just do a little bit every time I get home from work. I'm just too drained by the time I get home, eat a small meal, and drink some tea. Also, I've been spending more time going for walks because of the lovely weather. A few bugs... but still. Not too hot, not too cold. Just a light dappling of rain. Though it does make me wish that my neighbourhood was a bit nicer and was closer to a park of some kind. 

Well... That was a sufficient summary of my life, I think. Tomorrow evening I was supposed to go to see the new Star Trek movie, but I decided that a night at home would be best. A night of baking vegan and gluten free treats (or treat... depends on my supplies), sleep, and wrapping wedding presents. I'm so excited for Saturday! And the weekend on a whole. But especially Saturday.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Day 192: Deformities and American Legends

This evening, after running to meet with a client and after having a lovely and peaceful walk in spitting rain, I settled down and read some interesting stories of how weird the United States can be. At least, as far as its unheard of urban legends, ghost stories, and bizarre locations go. What can I say? I'm fascinated with the odd, especially when it's historical. It's so easy to riff off of it and make something truly weird, especially because truth is always stranger than fiction. It's almost beautiful, in a way. 

Any ways, reading weird things led me to an idea about inbred spawn being abandoned and thrown away by an aristocratic family that marries its cousins. Based off of one phrase from a story I read. The story I'm writing is mostly about the inbred spawn, and those who survived being tossed into the woods. I'm thinking that I'm just going to write a bunch of short graphic stories based off of stories like this. Some more loosely based than others. Some made more terrifying than others. Many elaborated upon and embellished, the truth twisted into a disfigured knot that will hopefully make the reader cringe and become desperate for more horror. 

What can I say. I like the idea of writing horror stories.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Day 191: Bead it down

More 1920s inspired things. This is a work in progress. I have a lot of beading to go, but it should be quite lovely when it's done. I might not use it for my Gatsby/et al costume, but y'know. I was bored and felt like making something pretty while watching Doctor Who.

Now, I think I should go to bed. I'm awfully sleepy. Amazing how being an interpreter and doing museum stuff all day can completely drain one's self of energy. Thank the heavens for good tea.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Day 190: The Great Gatsby... influenced

After seeing The Great Gatsby, both my fiancee and I are quite in love in the 1920s. We always were, but it definitely re-cemented  that adoration. We also liked the movie to the point that we are going to see it again, with a group of steampunks. Good news is, my fiancee has enough Scene points to get us in for free. Now, this might sound excessive, but the Steampunks encourage dressing up. We are going to dress in 1920s style clothing. Very elegant and rich. I found a dress and cheap costume jewellery at Wal-Mart (yes... *sigh*) for $30, and I found the perfect shoes at MCC Thrift Store for $2.50. I am going to add to and embellish the dress with burgundy-red fringe, and I'm going to make a head piece with lots of glass beads and pearls. It's also pretty great because we are going to get double use of our outfits within the same day. That evening, we are going to a large event, where there is a great deal of performance, side show, burlesque, and more, all in the theme of Halloween. We are going to monster ourselves up with make-up, and be something like undead 1920s folk. Vampires or reanimated or something. It should be fun. 

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Day 189: Wedding Plans and Horror Dreams

Today was a fine old day of buying things for our wedding, and then going to see The Great Gatsby (amazing! Expect 1920s themed things tomorrow). We were kind of lazy and meandering, so neither of us got a lot done, and we ended up wasting time at my house, and watching Hemlock Grove. Still, we did manage to go to Ikea and Michaels, but I didn't really have time to do anything overly creative.

However, I did have a weird dream that I drew images from.

To explain, I have weird dreams. Particularly my nightmares. My nightmares are no longer particularly scary to me. They are instead draw out, impossible to escape, and just exhausting more than anything. They usually involve me (or whatever character I am within the dream) running away from something, trying to escape, and trying to hide. It is always a fruitless endeavour, and if I wake up but don't leave my bed, I will immediately return to the dream as soon as I fall asleep again. The drawings above are from my dream last night. As soon as I woke up (well, actually woke up), I drew out a couple of notable images that I could clearly recall. The drawing to the left is of an abomination made by some kind of mad doctor-evil organization type thing. It something that was sewn from two people, made up of sewing sections from the two people. Somehow, these two sewn together bodies (which did not have limbs) conceived a child-thing. Which is the form connected by an umbilical cord. Weird, yes. This created... thing... is the reason "I" was being chased. As I was being chased, it was as if there were portals everywhere, so I would quickly move from one place to another that had absolutely no business being connected to the other. The two figures on the right side are two creature things affiliated with the people trying to capture me. They had white, featureless masks, with nothing but red lips and black gaping eye holes. No eyes. The masks were more like geisha masks than anything, except that the hair was wild and hairy, like some kind of African witch doctor mask. They approached me, closing in on me, while I was in this huge and very rich looking dining room. The dream went on with things like this. My dreams are always frustrating because I can always escape a space, but only for a certain amount of time.

Any ways, after having this dream and drawing what was in them, I figure that I should talk to a video game developer and try to make horror-based video games based off of my nightmares. Particularly those where it is like a first person shooter meets puzzle game. 

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Day 188: Who am I kidding

Hm.... 365 days of creativity.

Forget it. I'll read mature comics instead.

(For the record, I do get inspired by the art. I like these artists. That's important, right??)

Day 187: First Day of Work

I didn't make a thing. I had my first day of work, which was awesome. But after a day of standing and walking and learning... Exhaustion. Excellent, though!

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Day 186: Further adventures in... you guessed it... Drawing

I'm becoming a little bit bitter against my sketchbook. Mostly because I don't really do any full rendered drawings, but only doodles. Along with only feeling like I doodle, I feel like those doodles are the only thing I post about. Probably untrue. Still, I feel like I make posts featuring my sketchbook pages quite often. I simply don't feel dedicated enough to do anything bigger, and I don't necessarily want to start any projects when I can't finish them that day. Also, when it's between +19 degrees Celsius and +25, it's impossible to want to be inside for too long. I made cupcakes, drank tea, and then I went a met a few friend for lunch. We met at a Steamup, and she added me to Facebook. It turned out that we had a couple of mutual friends, and when she posted on Facebook saying that she would like accompaniment for lunch on such a beautiful day. It seemed like a good opportunity to not be cooped up in my house, and it was a lovely lunch time visit. Complete with sitting by water and watching ducks and geese. Lots of discussing about costuming and being geeks and steampunks. It's always nice to have new friends who are enthusiastic about the same things, and might be lunchtime buddies when I start working (if I get a long enough of a lunch break, that is). Yay! Any ways, the drawing to the left is inspired by a steampunk-Goose-Duck-Lady-Black swan-White swan conversation we had. A fine afternoon! Much better to have lunch with a lovely individual than be cooped up inside a frigid apartment. 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Day 185: Drew some

I spent a lot of my day drawing. Specifically, I drew a lot of steampunk characters. Along with that, I also made some more chainmail. I need to figure out how to connect two pieces of chainmail, where the rings are different sizes. I need to make another piece of the same dimensions, with the same size of rings. The pieces with the larger rings are going to go on either side of my main piece of chainmail. I will then make two more pieces with smaller rings, which will join onto those pieces, and then the whole piece will lace up the back. A chainmail anti-vampire neck piece, modelled after Victorian chokers (the really extravagant ones). I need to start making more stuff. I'd like to try my hand at leather and chainmail armor, along with making more steampunk apparatuses. 

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Day 184: Ghosts! with Coyote

Follow up from yesterday. I made steampunk paranormal hunting tools, and I was inspired to create a new character. And thus... a film! This is a new steampunk character of mine, who is a little more fun. Her name is Coyote. She is a vagabond paranormal hunter, who is a little bit sarcastic, and will be your guide in steampunk ghost hunting. 

For the record, the apparatuses are made up almost completely of items found at a couple of thrift stores. With the except of one or two things (and the ectoplasm mixture), thrifted and second hand! Yeah!

Here's a closer look. 

Signing off on behalf of myself and Coyote.... Arrooooo!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Day 183: Steampunk Costuming, Thrifting Style

My fiancee and I challenged ourselves to create steampunk outfits. We chose to go paranormal inspired, with the premises that we had to 

1) Compile everything except the shoes (unless we happened to find something perfect, we could use our own shoes). This means shirt, pants, jacket, et cetera. Anything it would take to make a good outfit with a strong steampunk feel.
2) Do it for as little money as possible (we didn't give ourselves a limit, because we were being easy on ourselves).
3) Bonus points for getting components to build some kind of paranormal apparatus.

The reason we did this is because we've been thinking about two things concerning steampunk. 1) When components to a costume don't have a purpose (i.e. Glueing gears on it and calling it steampunk) and 2) When people want to create a steampunk outfit, but complain about not being able to find anything at a thrift store.

To be fair, we went to five thrift stores. Mostly because we could. In reality, we could have done it at one. It would have been more challenging, but it's possible. We decided to challenge ourselves to prove that yes, you can make a decent steampunk outfit using anything. We did go to a dollar store for a couple of extra things, but it wouldn't have been necessary. Also, we went in without a real plan of what characters we wanted to create. For me, that paid off, because I ended up finding things that combined into an amazing Old West inspired outfit (belt, shirt, leather-suede pants, a red vest, and a Mandarin-style jacket). It's going to be awesome. We did agree that we can supplement our outfits with small things that we have, but the main structure needed to be found. Challenging ourselves! But the good news is... everything we got are actually really good staple pieces that will serve our steampunk wardrobes for many costuming events to come. 

Also, what makes it more fun is the fact that we are doing this for a steampunk meeting... Tomorrow. We are going to craft and make like crazy tomorrow, to assemble our steampunk paranormal apparatuses. Ah, the few days before a busy summer of working and making things for our wedding. Hurrah! Steampowered hearts.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Day 182: More Chainmailing

Need to fix part of this. But I didn't really do that much art work today, other than making more chainmail. I added a lot to what I had, and made a piece with larger rings. Which I need to reattach.

It was just too nice outside. Yet somehow, I still managed to watch three episodes of Supernatural. Story of my life.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Day 181: Chainmailling

Amidst the excitement of Free Comic Book Day, and a fair bit of character design for my own comics, I decided to try my hand at chainmail. Again. I'd attempted before, but it didn't really bode terribly well. However, this time around... Success! I made a decently sized piece, which is still going. I'm planning to make an anti-vampire neck piece. I'm thinking that making a really concise and well-researched vampire hunter steampunk-esque outfit/costume would be really cool. Also werewolf hunter maybe. All rolled into one. Van-Helsing like, but still remaining a finely dressed and somewhat aristocratic lady. Thus a high and sparkling piece of chainmail to protect one's precious neck from sharp fangs and a terrible immortal fate of bloodlust and sleeping during the day.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Day 180: The Return, to home and an idea

During the drive back to Calgary, I brainstormed a bit and tried to get even more of a handle on my Montana/Old West/Steampunk graphic novel. Got a few ideas, and expanded upon thoughts I'd already had. I need to write it. When I do... hopefully it will be majestic. 

Day 179: History and More History

While in Saskatoon, my fiancee and I went to the Western Development Museum. It is one of my favourite museums, and I always have a ball, playing with everything that can be played with, and climbing around everything that can be climbed around. Gallivanting around with someone else was even more of a delight. Lots of history. These two photos don't scratch the surface of the awesome creativity. But lo and behold, my dramatic expressions of mild terror.

Very, very, mild terror.

Day 178: Space Oddity

On the road to Saskatoon. We listened to 'Space Oddity' by David Bowie. Thus the drawing of space men. In outer space. Wearing space suits.

Plus cosmic fox. Nyan Cat style (*sigh* Personal disappoitnment. But it's with a fox, and it's NOT Nyan Cat. So that makes it more okay).