Sunday, 14 July 2013

Day 252: Cow skulls and foxes

Yesterday, the fantastic ladies of my home town threw me a bridal shower. I'm still baffled by the amount of work that everyone put into it, and I'm so thankful for the generosity of the people I know. It's truly amazing, and it made me feel really special and cared about. I never would have expected anything like it, even if I had expected someone to throw me a bridal shower. I really can't express my appreciation and thanks. Still, today I wrote thank you's for everyone who gave myself and my fiancee gifts and sent us happy wishes and thoughts. The above are just a couple of the thank you's that I wrote, and the individual drawings that I did. There ended up being about 40, and I decided to draw a different fox drawing on every one. After all.. why not?

Also, this morning I went for a walk on the prairie with the dogs, and hunted for cow skulls. I knew where they were, for the most part. I have this idea in my head that I want to find a fairly intact one to hang in our home, or have on display in some fashion or another. But alas, the only ones I could find were ones that I had already taken teeth from. So, I took some more teeth, and took these photographs:


That's the natural thing to do... right?

Cow skulls fascinate me. So do their teeth. Not really sure why. I guess that it's something that's so familiarly unfamiliar. I have been around cows and cattle all my life, yet their anatomy and their bones aren't something that I see much of. The cow's bones are just so disconnected from how the cows normally look, and it always feels like they don't match up to each other. Especially when they are bleached white from the sun and laying scattered across dusty earth. 

I also marvel at their teeth. I've started collecting them. Which might be odd... but you never know when pockets full of teeth might come in handy. 

Also, Cap enjoyed the excursion. He found a nice jaw bone to chew on. 


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