Monday, 25 November 2013

Day 4: Sailor and Mermaid


I am taking a break from garments. Making such content-heavy garments was starting to make me feel weighed down, and personally damaged. I've decided to stop, at least for a while. I need to work on lighter, more whimsical, things. I've decided that I want to renew myself, allow myself to become lighter, and rediscover what is important, before I return to working on things that are so full of meaning, and content. Thus, I have completely changed gears. I've decided to return to making art dolls and smaller things. 

The above drawings are my sketches of the dolls that I'm going to make for my final silkscreen project. No heavy content, just playing off of my current fascinating with mermaids and water folklore. I'm going to be printing the faces, patterns, and some details of the dolls. I'm going to print enough so that I can make an edition of the dolls if I want. Maybe even make some variations of the dolls. For the first two dolls I'm printing on already sewn bodies. 

The cloth for the first two dolls is vintage, aged, cotton. It has a nice tone to it. The other editions will be printed on newer cotton, or whatever I have around. I'm thinking about printing cloth for a few other dolls if I have time. At very least, I'll do lots of faces. Even if I don't use them, I'm not really losing anything. I'm sure I'll use it at some point, or for something. 

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