Today is my day two of 100 Happy Days. I didn't have a full class (only one other person from my group showed up, the two of us who showed got to leave early), which was nice. My husband picked me up, and we went to Nose Hill Park to look for caves. It wasn't successful, but it was beautiful out, and it was nice to be outside. And I've got to tell you... I was thankful for a moment of running and collapsing face down on bare ground. Beautiful dry dirt, dry grass. It was wonderful!
Here is the moment of today's happiness.
I spied a porcupine. It was such a pleasant surprise. Not used to seeing porcupines. They're such lovely creatures. So slow moving, but with beautiful texture... and they have the most amazing faces! They're kind of like muskox. Have you ever had a moment of magical sparkling cosmos when you look at a muskox and it looks right back at you, head on? Their faces are marvelous!
Other than a beautiful romp in nature, I started reading Everything Is Illuminated (the movie adaptations is one of my favourite movies, and so far the book is good, albeit a little confusing), had a PB&Chocolate smoothie, found some heart shaped sunglasses, and cut out some more fur for hoods and collars. There's been a lot of interest in the fur collars, which makes me really happy. I'm going to make six, then post them online, and whoever wants one can dibs them. After that I will make a few for the Expo, and commissions as needed. It makes me feel good.
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