Monday, 21 January 2013

Day 78: Shorts

I didn't do a lot. *sigh* I was working at school all day, and I had an essay to write. And thus, I didn't accomplish much after I got home. Still, I did replace the buttons on a pair of shorts that I bought from Sirens. When I saw them, I knew that they would be perfect for the white rabbit inspired costume I'm making. They are high-waisted, with a brass zipper down the front. The buttons that it had were cool golden-looking anchor buttons. I can dig it, but they were going to fall off any ways, and they didn't suit the purpose of being the White Rabbit. And thus, I replaced them with some brownish-metallic vintage buttons that my grandmother had given me a while ago. I am going to make a cool bustle that will button onto the top two buttons, and man, will it be cool! 

Unrelated, and this is for school, but the above photograph is a test for an art project I'll be presenting two weeks from now (roughly). It's going to be a sad piece, but it involves the exploration of my self and what road I want to go down. Or at least, the acceptance of what that road involves. I don't know how I'll fully explain it during the critique... but it's important to me. Even though it will make a lot of people sad... At least, I imagine.

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