Monday, 28 January 2013

Day 85: Civil War


As you may have figured out, I am quite fascinated and interested in the 19th century. Particularly, the 19th century in the setting of the United States. I'm really interested in Civil War-era United States, and the older I get, the more drawn to it I am. Not sure why. It was a gruesome, bloody time. Maybe it stems from the fact that it's the context of what's happening in the world around Montana, before Montana even existed (well, was formally the territory or state of Montana). Right now I'm also intrigued by the fact that the Civil War is the reason why we have modern embalming. Which is something I'm also interested in. 

I am planning to go to the Glenbow Museum's night featuring Corb Lund, and this inspired me to make a replica Civil War jacket in a month. I kind of want to show up in Civil War duds. I'll just be that person. I'm only going to make the jacket, because of the character that I want to create. Basically, I like the idea of the cavalry (the word carries so many neat ideas! And you get a horse), and the combination of a medic/doctor. I learned that a doctor had to carry a rank of a captain or higher, and they usually wore black, not donning a uniform except in the situation of fancy parties in a town. This idea intrigued me, so I decided that I'm only going to make the jacket (blue, probably cotton twill or something, with yellow/gold piping, and gold or pewter buttons), and I'll wear all black underneath. I know, as I woman I would at most be one of the field nurses saving lives through discoveries of antibiotics that could prevent gangrene, but I would rather challenge myself with creating a really believable shell jacket. I know how to make skirts, and I'll do that later. I think I just have this weird obsession with challenging myself, while simultaneously needing each aspect to be perfect. This is going to be particularly exciting, as I'm going to aim to be finished in a month. I'm thinking that I'll do it in such a way that I can do it as a garment portrait, and use it for school. 

While researching Civil War uniforms, I stumbled upon information regarding standard issue blankets, used in the civil war by soldiers. Looks like I've found another weaving project...

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