Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Day 107: Potluck

I went to a friend's potluck/house warming/get together, and I brought along some home made goodies. As you can see in the above photograph, they were quite well wrapped up, and I forgot to photograph them before I packaged them. However, here are the recipes and what I did to them!

Nutella Cookies, from I did not put the sugar in it. They're sweet enough without, and boy... Are they tasty. The dough is a little crumbly, but I just added a little bit of milk. You pack the dough into balls any ways, so it wasn't an issue. I think I ate six of them when they came out of the oven. Can you say delicious?

Pretzels! I made this one up. I used the dough recipe for these really great Swedish Cinnamon Buns. Seriously, they are the best cinnamon buns ever. If only for the bread. The bread... yum. So much yum. I took the dough recipe for the cinnamon buns, removed the cardamon (which I didn't have in the first place) and the vanilla. I left the sugar in. I formed them into pretzel shapes (little ones), and brushed them with butter. I doused them in a lot of Himalayan pink salt, and baked them for the amount of time stated in the recipe. The result was this really great salty at first then becomes not quite sweet pretzel that is an absolute delight when warm. Room temperature, too. But, y'know. Fresh out of the oven is how you should eat most things (especially bread). 

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