Monday, 4 February 2013

Day 92: Ghost Limbs and Dead Soldiers

Goodness... My blog has taken a rather morose turn of late, hasn't it? That's not really on purpose. It's just where my interests lie, and what I've been thinking about. I will have you know that I do think about things other than the Civil War. I just haven't made anything else. I promise that tomorrow will bring something more upbeat. 

This just came out of nowhere. I was thinking about war brides, and ghosts, and the two collided. Also partially inspired by Edgar Oliver saying 'Ashes to ashes', and my brain went to wedding vows. No real connection. This is what happened, though. Not my best drawing ever, and probably the worst skull I've ever put down on paper. Can you tell that I haven't drawn a side-view skull for a while?

I don't know if this brief comic even means anything. Frankly, it's kind of gibberish, even to me. And I wrote it. What does that say about my creative process?

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