Thursday, 4 April 2013

Day 151: Dorothy, Completed


I know that I posted about Dorothy costume yesterday, but I am finished now! I think that I should get a couple more accessories, and an addition of something like goggles or glasses (with emerald green lenses, of course) would be fantastic, but it's not necessary. Basically, if I get my hands on some without having to order online, cool, they will be a nice addition! But... I'm not going to get worked up over it. I didn't sew on buttons or any closure, because I'm lazy and just want to call this done (so that I can focus on a few other things I want to get done before the Expo). I figured that it would be okay, since I am wearing it with this giant cinching belt. I will have a shirt underneath, plus 3 or 4 skirts (all of the poofy skirtness!). Naturally, the outfit is done, but I am not posting full photos until after/during the Comic Expo, so that it's a glorious surprise. I might do a photo shoot, but we'll see if I can wrangle anyone up. 

Also, I wanted to share the above photo of my awesome outfit. It's finally a good balance between warm and cool enough to wear my vintage knitted sweater jacket which is missing a few buttons, is a little itchy, but I love it to death. I think this outfit is the best outfit I've assembled in weeks. Black skinnies, knitted sweater, sheriff shirt, tall boots with wood heel, and two back scarves. Don't I look chick in a cozy hipster kind of way? Vanity, your name is Grimm.

Finally, here are the shoes (again). With socks! I will be wearing ankle socks with the shoes (naturally), but not the ones shown. I found this great pair of mesh/fishnet socks with lace on the ankle, which are going to be perfect. 

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