Friday, 12 April 2013

Day 159: It's my birthday!

Just kidding, I don't actually get as excited for my birthday. Though, not going to lie. If someone woke me up at midnight on my birthday and gave me a tiara and let me go back to sleep, I would be delighted. But still, now that I'm older and I've spend a few birthdays alone, birthdays aren't as big of a deal. However, this year I am back home for a brief time, and I was able to be home during my birthday! It was quiet, and cozy, and nice. Admittedly, because I was just relaxing, the only things I did was read and work on my Comic Expo stuff. However, that aspect is really productive, so that's good.


I did an intro comic to put at the beginning of my catalogue book, and printed up brand new business cards. Aren't they smashing and clean? I am going to draw on the back for everyone who takes one. I figure that it's a good way to connect with individuals at the Expo, as well as starting to emphasize Knicker Misadventures. I'd really like to do an artbook/comic book/thing at some point. I'm toying with the idea of working towards an Indie Go-Go campaign to make that happen... but only after I'm done school. 

It's funny. I can't really do any art work when I'm home. At least not when it's just for a few days. I'd just rather chill out and show my dogs some love and bask in the prairie. Still, it was prudent that I get a lot of Comic Expo stuff done while I was here. 

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