Merry Christmas everyone! I wish everyone the absolute best. I hope that everyone had the happiest, the most joyful, the most blessed, and most fun, day they possibly could. If you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope that your Wednesday was particularly special and happy.
I am going to begin by saying that there's a switch in my brain that causes me to not be able to sleep on Christmas morning. I officially woke up around 4:30, and then we got up at 5:00 AM. I was just so hungry, and couldn't go back to sleep. We opened our stockings (so many lovely goodies!), and then had breakfast.
Pseudo Eggs Benedict. It's basically normal Eggs Benedict, but I don't know how to make Hollandaise sauce, so I just make a super lemon-y white sauce. It's tasty, and a filling breakfast. Paired with some delicious Christmas Chai tea, we have a lovely Christmas morning breakfast.
My loved ones gave me so many lovely, thoughtful, things. I'm so thankful! Thank you so much to my parents, siblings, my husband, and my in-laws! My stocking was full of useful little things, nice chocolate treats, and lots of socks. Including awesome Superman socks. I now have Superman's face on my ankles. I was given some super comfy fox pajama pants, and our couch has lots of new handmade cushions on it. Such coziness. My Mum made two little cushions out of leftover fabric from my bridesmaid's dress, and one larger one that's made of a t-shirt from Australia. We've been lazing around pretty much all day, so having more pillows was so nice.
I'm proud to say that for Christmas, I was given dolls and fairy tales. I'm not really an adult, after all. My husband magically found the Steampunk Monster High doll (Monster High is an animated children's show, where all of the characters are the teenaged children of monsters. It's one of my favourite things ever). I've been drooling over it for ages (it's a fashion doll who is a Steampunk automaton named Robecca Steam!), and my husband... That guy! He also found a Mad Hatter doll from Living Dead Dolls. My husband also gave me The Hobo Handbook (I can't wait to read it), and The Essential Supernatural (it's such a fantastic book! Eeeee *Supernatural fan girling*). I was also given lots of lovely edible things, several yards of nice silk (which I can't wait to use!), a candle that actually smells like trees, and (to both my husband and myself) an excellent looking card game (Gloom. You have to make your character as miserable as possible). I'm so grateful for everything. Such lovely, exciting, things!

Some of my favourite things that I received are these things. Within my stocking I found two large crystals (they're both about three or four inches tall); selenite, and Lemurran seed crystal. They're so beautiful. Also tucked inside was this bizarre bear-like voodoo doll. It's made by some Calgarian artists. It's crafted from an old fur coat, and is rather delicate. We initially saw it at the Calgary New Age and Pagan Market, and I fell in love with it. My husband (oh, he's so good to me), brought it home. It's such a bizarre, roughly sewn little beast, but it just makes me so happy. It feels so nice in my hands. It has little knot eyes and a little knot belly button. I'm thinking about drawing it and writing stories about it. The other thing that I was given that made me so happy was something from my Mum. She gave me an old copy of Grimm's Fairy Stories, illustrated by Mabel Lucie Attwell (such lush and fantastical illustrations!). The book is from 1930 at least. I can't find a printed date, but the inscription on the inside cover is dated Sept. 2. 1930. It's a beautiful inscription.
"To Minnie,
Because she will read that which lies between these covers with the genuine enjoyment of a child, and not with the amused tolerance of a 'grown-up'.
Because she has the gift of being age old, dispensing grandmotherly wisdom one moment, and a babe, full of trust and confidence the next, yet (...can't understand this word...), extremely lovable- which is everything.
I love reading the inscriptions and notes in old books. Nothing is more beautifully intimate.
What a lovely Christmas. So many lovely things, and a nice long day with my husband. He made a beautiful turkey dinner, with a roast vegetable medley (more a hot, roasted, salad, made up of beets, red onion, green beans, thyme, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. Delicious). That led to a minor turkey coma... But all in all, a good day of laziness and comfort. We have watched the majority of the first season of American Horror Story (my husband found it tucked in his stocking. He's really enjoying it), and I played a bit of Skyrim (surprise, surprise). Now, to curl up with a cup of tea, and lots, and lots of chocolate. My skin hates me, but I don't care. It's the holidays. At least I don't eat this much the rest of the year...
And once again! Merry Christmas!