Monday, 30 December 2013

Day 39: Savoury

Hmm tasty. We've been  having some good leftovers from our turkey dinner. Today, I made leek and turkey pie. The recipe is from Jamie Oliver, who makes some good looking things. And, apparently, very tasty things. The recipe consists of leeks, a bit of bacon, turkey, puff pastry, and a few other seasonings and things. Y'know. What is to be expected. I deviated from the recipe a tad, but for the most part, it was the same recipe. Delicious. Though I ate too much, and am very full. It was too good, and we didn't eat much today. I wolfed down my food. For dessert, I tried out this black tea latte mix that my parents gave us for Christmas. You steep it like tea, but it's latte-ish. It's quite nice. It turned out a tad weak, but that's because it's meant to be made with a French press, which we don't have (as of yet. Maybe some day. After all, my husband does like coffee). 

And finally, I saw the last episode of Sherlock. It's such a good show. Oh, Benedict Cumberbatch. I like him. Speaking of television, have I mentioned that we're finally watching Breaking Bad? I can see what all the hype is about. It's a good show. I have to take a break from it, though. I keep having dreams that center around illegal activity. Which isn't all together pleasant.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Day 38: Parkade Escape

My husband and I experienced the horrors that is an underground mall parking lot on a Sunday. We came up with the idea of a multi-level video game called "Parkade Escape". We have since leveled up in parking lot navigational skills.

Images left to right. 1) Expression of disdain towards people who drive SUVs and try to squeeze into tight spots. After holding up three cars while waiting for a spot. And then having to back up because they didn't give the leaving car enough space. 2) +20 to driving dexterity. 3) We beat 'Parkade Escape'! Achievements gained. Level up. 

Later I discovered that there actually are games that focus on parking cars. I shouldn't be surprised, and yet... I have to wonder whether people actually enjoy playing games where parking cars is the focus. Any ways, it loos like this. 

"Parking Lot Master". Not my idea of a good time, but hey. To each their own. At least my husband and I grew together as we navigated our way out of the puzzle that is the parking lot. 

Prior to, and after the parking experience, we had a lovely Sunday. Brunch with my sister and her husband, and then we went to Crossroads market, and later the mall. To get a few things, and just wander around. 

Right now we are at home, watching Lawless. Good film thus far. Bootlegging is a neat basis for a story, and Tom Hardy is such a good actor. Makes me want to watch Bronson again. 

Before we settled down with some Russian Caravan tea, and our movie, we did our last few voice recordings for an animated show that a friend of ours is making. Our friend runs SC Entertainment, and we do things with and for them every now and then. Right now he is making a show called Dorriss Doom. So far he has released the first two episodes. My voice isn't until later on, and very briefly. Probably for the best. I'm not cut out to be a voice actor. I did four versions of my lines, and we'll see which one is chosen. I did 1) My normal voice. 2) A pseudo-Bob Dylan. 3) A wheezy Kevin Macdonald-like voice. 4) Horrible Pythonesque French accent.

Here are the first two episodes. Enjoy!

Now. Tea! And drawing.

Oh! Also. Almost forgot. Guess whaaaat! I ordered more faux fur, and some printed fabric from Spoonflower. When it arrives I will be making "The Hell Hound". A Supernatural inspired hood. I'm so excited. For the first while it will be a limited run of roughly four hoods. Fortunately, because I ordered the printed fabric from Spoonflower, I can get more whenever I need. Wonderful! I hope that the hoods will do well! Details to follow... Hopefully by February. 

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Day 37: Pancakes!

Delicious pancakes. Though I haven't mastered the art of cooking in frozen blueberries. Ah well... live and learn, I suppose. 

I accidentally made a Bijou sized pancake. Accidentally, but Bijou appreciate it.

Now, the exciting part!

I started making chain mail again. I started with this trial run. It's inspired by high elves, and aristocratic fantasy. Mostly elves, I suppose. I have so many ideas, and all I have to do is practice and work. Naturally, I need to tweak a few things, and again. Practice. I'm so excited to make more things, and try different chain mail patterns. Soon I'll order rings (and scales!) and make so many wondrous things. I'm excited!

Friday, 27 December 2013

Day 35 & 36: I feel like I'm dropping the ball...

First and foremost, I feel like I'm dropping the ball. I need to get back to work. Get back in the groove. But NO. Instead I continue to be lazy, basking in the irresponsible sloth that is the holidays. Don't get me wrong, it's lovely. But I should really start doing things for the Comic Expo and school. Maybe I should just be brave, and say 'DEAR WORLD AND DEAR ACAD- ALL I WANT TO DO IS MAKE FANTASY BASED THINGS FOR PEOPLE TO WEAR AND LOVE AND ENJOY AND I DON'T WANT TO MAKE CONCEPTUAL THINGS ANYMORE KAY THANKS BYE!' ...and then throw a stunning cloak and beautiful pieces of chainmail at them. Instead, cowardice. The person I want to be is hidden under the artist that I think I should be. My brother gave me this beautiful silk for Christmas, and it makes me think of Elven kings and queens. It's inspiring me like crazy, and yet I have this cloud over my head that tells me that I should be focusing on the depressing things that I make work about. I don't want to make that work any more. I want to make costumes and scamper around the woods in cloaks. Whimper whimper... How sad is it that I don't feel like I can be who I want to be? I'd be so much more productive if I just focused on what I genuinely want to make. All of the gloriously nerdy things that I like. *Heavy sigh* That was an unexpected rant. I'm sorry. I just feel like I'm dropping the ball in terms of not posting anything interesting, and not making anything. I should just make something. Wouldn't it be nice if I made something? Oh yes, quite so. Instead... Skyrim and curling up on the couch with my husband. It's good, but I'm not really getting anything done. Soon. I promise. 

I didn't go on the computer at all yesterday, which is why I didn't blog. Instead, two days at once! Hurrah!

Finally! Meet Petit Bijou. The little furry voodoo bear, who will be my companion. Remember in school when some teachers would get a little teddy bear, and every weekend a student would take it home, to return on Monday with a little gift in its suitcase, and a passage written in its journal? When I was in first grade (I think? Or was it kindergarten?) we had a little bear named Monsieur Maison. I was in French Immersion, thus the French name. It was delightful. Much better than having a hamster in fifth grade. That was disastrous. I'm off track. Petit Bijou will be my little companion, in a similar fashion to Monsieur Maison, but he is only mine. I am planning to make a little satchel to carry him in (to keep him safe), and include him in my otherwise mundane photographs. Now, I can't promise that the photographs will be clear. Bijou does not stand for clear photographs.

In the photograph above, he is with a turkey sandwich that I made. Turkey sandwiches are one of my favourites. Leftover turkey, mayonnaise, and cranberry sauce, on a warm bun. Apparently warm sourdough English muffin is the best. Delicious! Paired with cut up fruit, naturally. Yum yum yum!

Last night (after returning home from seeing American Hustle), we brewed some tea and learned how to play Gloom. Gloom is a card game in which you have to make your family as miserable as possible, before killing them off. My sister and brother-in-law gave us the game for Christmas, and it's so much fun. We played until 2 AM. Who knew that misery could be so much fun? It's particularly entertaining because part of the fun is creating the story as to why these events are happening to the individuals, and why this miserable event came to be. It's delightful. We'll probably play several times before the holidays are over. And more and more after that. 

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Day 34: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I wish everyone the absolute best. I hope that everyone had the happiest, the most joyful, the most blessed, and most fun, day they possibly could. If you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope that your Wednesday was particularly special and happy.

I am going to begin by saying that there's a switch in my brain that causes me to not be able to sleep on Christmas morning. I officially woke up around 4:30, and then we got up at 5:00 AM. I was just so hungry, and couldn't go back to sleep. We opened our stockings (so many lovely goodies!), and then had breakfast. 

Pseudo Eggs Benedict. It's basically normal Eggs Benedict, but I don't know how to make Hollandaise sauce, so I just make a super lemon-y white sauce. It's tasty, and a filling breakfast. Paired with some delicious Christmas Chai tea, we have a lovely Christmas morning breakfast. 


My loved ones gave me so many lovely, thoughtful, things. I'm so thankful! Thank you so much to my parents, siblings, my husband, and my in-laws! My stocking was full of useful little things, nice chocolate treats, and lots of socks. Including awesome Superman socks. I now have Superman's face on my ankles. I was given some super comfy fox pajama pants, and our couch has lots of new handmade cushions on it. Such coziness. My Mum made two little cushions out of leftover fabric from my bridesmaid's dress, and one larger one that's made of a t-shirt from Australia. We've been lazing around pretty much all day, so having more pillows was so nice. 


I'm proud to say that for Christmas, I was given dolls and fairy tales. I'm not really an adult, after all. My husband magically found the Steampunk Monster High doll (Monster High is an animated children's show, where all of the characters are the teenaged children of monsters. It's one of my favourite things ever). I've been drooling over it for ages (it's a fashion doll who is a Steampunk automaton named Robecca Steam!), and my husband... That guy! He also found a Mad Hatter doll from Living Dead Dolls. My husband also gave me The Hobo Handbook (I can't wait to read it), and The Essential Supernatural (it's such a fantastic book! Eeeee *Supernatural fan girling*). I was also given lots of lovely edible things, several yards of nice silk (which I can't wait to use!), a candle that actually smells like trees, and (to both my husband and myself) an excellent looking card game (Gloom. You have to make your character as miserable as possible). I'm so grateful for everything. Such lovely, exciting, things!

Some of my favourite things that I received are these things. Within my stocking I found two large crystals (they're both about three or four inches tall); selenite, and Lemurran seed crystal. They're so beautiful. Also tucked inside was this bizarre bear-like voodoo doll. It's made by some Calgarian artists. It's crafted from an old fur coat, and is rather delicate. We initially saw it at the Calgary New Age and Pagan Market, and I fell in love with it. My husband (oh, he's so good to me), brought it home. It's such a bizarre, roughly sewn little beast, but it just makes me so happy. It feels so nice in my hands. It has little knot eyes and a little knot belly button. I'm thinking about drawing it and writing stories about it. The other thing that I was given that made me so happy was something from my Mum. She gave me an old copy of Grimm's Fairy Stories, illustrated by Mabel Lucie Attwell (such lush and fantastical illustrations!). The book is from 1930 at least. I can't find a printed date, but the inscription on the inside cover is dated Sept. 2. 1930. It's a beautiful inscription.
"To Minnie,
Because she will read that which lies between these covers with the genuine enjoyment of a child, and not with the amused tolerance of a 'grown-up'. 
Because she has the gift of being age old, dispensing grandmotherly wisdom one moment, and a babe, full of trust and confidence the next, yet (...can't understand this word...), extremely lovable- which is everything.
I love reading the inscriptions and notes in old books. Nothing is more beautifully intimate.

What a lovely Christmas. So many lovely things, and a nice long day with my husband. He made a beautiful turkey dinner, with a roast vegetable medley (more a hot, roasted, salad, made up of beets, red onion, green beans, thyme, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. Delicious). That led to a minor turkey coma... But all in all, a good day of laziness and comfort. We have watched the majority of the first season of American Horror Story (my husband found it tucked in his stocking. He's really enjoying it), and I played a bit of Skyrim (surprise, surprise). Now, to curl up with a cup of tea, and lots, and lots of chocolate. My skin hates me, but I don't care. It's the holidays. At least I don't eat this much the rest of the year...

And once again! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Day 33: It's Christmas Eve!

This is my Christmas face.

Happy Christmas Eve! It's been a day full of food and Christmas television. We went to Christmas Eve mass, which was nice. Then we got back, ate food, and right now we're watching Pee-Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special. It's entertaining. And weird. Just like normal Pee Wee's Playhouse. 


For afternoon tea, we had fresh baked cinnamon buns (the best I've made yet. This is the recipe, and it's amazing. My only recommendation is setting the oven to 425 degrees, not 475, and baking it for 10 minutes. Otherwise it's too hot and isn't as good), apple slices, and crackers with Herb & Garlic goat cheese (so good!). For supper, we had tortiere (made by my Mum. Boy, was it delicious!), and red peppers. I had made spiced squash, but the squash was a little too old (apparently), and it didn't taste very good. That was a failed attempt, but at least the rest of supper was tasty!

My husband made our gas mask festive.

And we had a mysterious quadruped visitor in our backyard. Who knows what it was. We think that it was probably a hare or a rabbit, but a friend of mine suggests that it was something like this:

That looks about right.

While we were watching Pee Wee's Playhouse, I was reminded of a scene from the animated film Thumbelina. That was one of my favourite movies as a child. The singer Charo (who was on Pee Wee's Playhouse) does a voice in it. Let's have a Throw Back Thurs...Tuesday.

Well, that was fun.

Now, onto more Christmas Eve celebration. Christmas cake, chocolates, hot chocolate with whipped cream... and The Muppets! And later we'll listen to The Shepherd. It's only one more sleep 'til Christmas!

Monday, 23 December 2013

Day 31 and 32: The long drive home, and trimming the tree

In case you were wondering why I didn't post yesterday...

We drove home from Saskatchewan. It always feels like a longer drive. Heading to Saskatchewan, it goes by like a flash. Yet, returning to Calgary... Five hours suddenly stretches to what feels like seven or eight hours. By the time we got home, and had unpacked and such, I felt so exhausted. It's also really difficult to get motivated during the holidays. I would rather curl up and hibernate. Such laziness...

Today we went to Michaels, mostly because we didn't have a star for our tree, and we felt like we wanted to have something. We bought a package of gold holographic cardboard star ornaments to craft into a tree topper, and we also found some wonderful little fox ornaments. Everything Christmas was 70% off, so we got these three things for under $2. Which is a bargain!

To make the tree topper, we simply took two of the stars, and cut little notches into them. We then slid the pieces together, and ta-da! A three-dimensional, holographic, gold star upon our tree!  What a fun little activity for the two of us.

I can't believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I'm so excited! We had supper with my brother and his girlfriend, and we got the leftovers, so we're going to have Chinese food for brunch (we're so well fed... and healthy...), and then it's going to be a rich day of preparing for Christmas day. I'm terribly excited. Movies, Christmas Eve Mass, tortiere, and The Shepherd. All shared with my lovely husband. I'm going to miss being with my family, but that's understandable. It's the first  Christmas that I'll be away from my family, but I'm sure that it will be a good one. I'm still so happy that I was able to be in Saskatchewan, however briefly. I'm so excited for Christmas!

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Day 30: The Prairie

I love this dog. He loves me. We went on a nice long walk this afternoon, and frolicked in the snow. By which I mean, I dove into snow banks, and then he would come and cuddle with me. He's such a good boy. I really miss him when I'm away from home. 

He's such a lovely dog. Today we met his grandchildren and half-grandchildren, and they're so cute. I desperately wanted to take one home. I can't wait to be in a situation where my husband and I can have a puppy. Hopefully it will grow up and be like Cap. What a dog!

I've got to say. When I'm in the prairie, I love the snow. It's not like in the city, where the snow always gets brown and disgusting. A filthy slush. On the prairie, it remains a pure powder, or a luminescent drift. It's always crisp. You can walk endlessly through a field, and the only other foot prints you'll find are the prints of coyotes, rabbits, and birds. It's amazing to be the only human who walks through the snow. The prairie is my querencia.

It's wonderful. Truly wonderful. I feel myself, inspired, refreshed. 

While I was outside, I gathered plants. Dead, dry, plants. I couldn't help but notice how wonderful they looked. The shapes, so twisted and austere. I started thinking that I would like to create a character who is a botanist, and is obsessed with dead plants. 


At the moment, the dried plants are taped on the inside of a cardboard box. I am planning to draw things, and maybe base ideas off of the appearance of the plants. They're fascinating. I think some pen and ink will create some interesting drawings.

And last, but not least, here are the dogs. Cap and Skippy, as a blurred photograph. I love those dogs.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Day 29: Home Again

This album generally sums up how I feel about being home, and how I feel when I'm out on the prairie. Today I took the dogs for a walk. That meant running wild, getting out of breath, and collapsing on the snow. Laying there with Cap, listening to the silence of wind, and watching swirling particles of sky. I missed this. 

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Day 28: Christmas celebration, and an adventure into art

Second day with in-laws, and we had Christmas day. Because the whole, entire, family can never be together at the same time, especially on Christmas, they just celebrate when family is there. Which is quite nice, albeit rather unexpected. It was a good day, and my husband's family gave us such lovely things. I'm so appreciative, and excited to utilize some of the thoughtful gifts.

Opened pressies under the tree! We opened the gifts from his family, and they opened ours. I think the most wondrous gift is a pair of hand-carved foxes.

They are beautiful. The story behind them is beautiful, but I think that it is something that I will just keep to myself, and keep close to my heart. I will say that they come from my father-in-law's family, and the fact that they were given to me makes me feel so welcomed into my husband's family. I'm so grateful, and I feel so blessed. The foxes are so wonderful. A vixen and a buck, carved by veterans in the 1950s or 60s. I will treasure these items, as I treasure all family treasures that are passed to me. I almost started crying when I opened them, and was told the story. It's so overwhelming to feel so loved by my in-laws. I have trust in my husband, because he comes from such a loving, and embracing family. 

Also, fun times! My husband and I have matching TeeFury shirts! Thanks to his mum. She saw on Facebook that I liked this shirt a while ago, which is so cool because I really did like it. Harley Quinn is one of my favourite Batman characters (I really want to do Cosplays of her), and now we have Harley Quinn t-shirts. Twinsies! We rock it. 

It's been fun. My in-laws have an Elf on the Shelf (I'm not going to go into details, but it's magical and it entails an elf turning up in different places. Children mustn't touch it, and at night the elf goes to Santa, to report whether everyone has been naughty or nice). We've found it in a few interesting places.

On our bed, carrying my Buckley's day time cold medication (much appreciated); and stuck inside a drinking glass. Poor little elf. I think it's rather cute. Then again, I think that there isn't enough magic and whimsy. The world needs more of it. Sure, I'm 21. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the wonder of Christmas. 

In other news, I joined in on a Facebook chain. It's one that encourages sharing art on Facebook. Someone posts about an artist, you like it, they give you the name of an artist, and you post about that artist. And so on. I think it's a great idea. My friend gave me John Bauer. There was more than one John Bauer, so I went for the Swedish painter and illustrator. I was struck by his fantastical images, and the present theme of fairy tales, mythology, and fable. I chose this image 'Tyr and Fenrir', based on Norse mythology, painted in 1911. It's beautiful and stormy. 

I responded to the illustration by drawing Fenrir-like wolves.

Kind of.

Off to my parents' tomorrow afternoon, and I'm so excited! Back on the ranch, in the prairie. I'm going to walk the dogs like crazy. It's going to be great. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Day 27: What does the fox say?

Now, I will say that this song drives me insane, even though it's catchy, and is a selection of lyrics after my own heart. However, it is catchy, and the lyrics are after my heart. It mostly drives me insane because we know what foxes sound like. That being said, it's been stuck in my head recently. 

At the moment, I am with my husband and my in-laws in Saskatchewan. We left in the morning, and got in around 4:30. It's nice being here. I'm fortunate to say that I like my in-laws, and I have every reason to believe that they like me, too. A good situation! It's so nice to be somewhere else, surrounded by family. And in just a couple of days, I'll be wandering o the prairie, back home with my parents. I look forward to it! It's going to be a nice holiday.

Also, I forgot to post about it yesterday or the day before, but check out the cuffs on this sweater that I got from the thrift store!

It's a great sweater, that costed me $5.99. It's white wool, and I think it might be hand made, because there is absolutely no evidence of tags. It's definitely 100% wool, fairly soft, and it has this beading on both cuffs, and the low turtleneck. It's this year's Christmas sweater. Hurray for unique thrift store finds! 

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Day 25 & 26: The Common Cold

Nothing much to say for myself, other than secret projects and dealing with the common cold. We keep having late nights, and all the other jazz that comes with being on holidays. I'm exhausted. We leave for Saskatchewan tomorrow morning, and I've been unproductive and lazy because of dealing with a stupid little cold. I definitely need to get more sleep tonight. I don't want to feel lousy while visiting family. Hopefully my cup of green tea with honey will help. Well.. doubtful. All that's wrong is I have a runny nose. Blah.

Also, hopefully I'll actually do things while I'm with family, and I'll be able to post about something other than how unproductive I am. 

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Day 24: Christmas Party (by party I mean casual get-together)

Little sleep. Followed by a day of good company, and lots, and lots of food. I love the holidays.

I made mulled apple cider, in my Crock pot.

I decorated a few gingerbread cookies (these ones were baked today, and ended up a bit crunchier than the other ones I made).

I made cupcakes. Chocolate with peppermint icing. 

Now, I'm thinking that the best option would be bed. A dumb part of me is toying with playing video games... but that's not an intelligent option. 

I can't believe that I'm going to be in Saskatchewan in two days (I'm not counting today. It's almost over). 

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Day 23: Romantic adventures in field and forest

I was at work today, and I was taking over for the afternoon. Now, it's at a museum during the winter. Not much to do. So, I read books on Google Scholar. Beautiful 19th century books. Today I found one that was published in 1874, called 'The Hunter and the Trapper in North America: Romantic adventures in field and forest'. It was initially published in French, and this 1874 version is the version translated into English. Or so I believe. It's quite bizarre. It's entirely anecdotes focusing on stories about animals found in North America, and people hunting those animals. Now, a few things.

1. It's French guys in pre-Civil War United States. It's one of the most racist things I've ever read. Not negative racist, per se, but y'know. Pre-Civil War racist. Unacceptable and politically incorrect by modern standards. 
2. I'm fairly certain that the people who wrote and illustrated this book had never seen most of the animals before. For example, the drawing of a raccoon looks a lot like a fox. 

Despite these things, it's so beautiful. I am infatuated with 19th century writing. It's so poetic. 

"...which I can only compare to the wild shriek of laughter that occasionally breaks forth in a lunatic asylum..."
"The most hideous spectacle possible was then presented to our horrified gaze."
"...fragments of bone and skin and putrid flesh..."
"...a malicious enchanter..."
"According to all probability, my cat had a changing skin, and belonged to the race of chameleons."
"The moon had risen, and its silver light flooded the mysterious glades of the forest."
"...a kind of pestiferous carrion house, surrounded by shreds of putrid carcasses and whitened bones."
"If a storm broke out during a battle, he was carried off by the lightning and reduced to dust."
"...the stars vanished, absorbed in the ethereal azure; the moon, wan and white as a phantom..."

Oh, check out these images from the book. Like this one of two guys hunting "stags" in the woods, at night, while wearing hats made with lanterns.

And this raccoon, that looks suspiciously like something else...

What does the fox say? Not raccoon noises, that's for sure.