Friday, 27 December 2013

Day 35 & 36: I feel like I'm dropping the ball...

First and foremost, I feel like I'm dropping the ball. I need to get back to work. Get back in the groove. But NO. Instead I continue to be lazy, basking in the irresponsible sloth that is the holidays. Don't get me wrong, it's lovely. But I should really start doing things for the Comic Expo and school. Maybe I should just be brave, and say 'DEAR WORLD AND DEAR ACAD- ALL I WANT TO DO IS MAKE FANTASY BASED THINGS FOR PEOPLE TO WEAR AND LOVE AND ENJOY AND I DON'T WANT TO MAKE CONCEPTUAL THINGS ANYMORE KAY THANKS BYE!' ...and then throw a stunning cloak and beautiful pieces of chainmail at them. Instead, cowardice. The person I want to be is hidden under the artist that I think I should be. My brother gave me this beautiful silk for Christmas, and it makes me think of Elven kings and queens. It's inspiring me like crazy, and yet I have this cloud over my head that tells me that I should be focusing on the depressing things that I make work about. I don't want to make that work any more. I want to make costumes and scamper around the woods in cloaks. Whimper whimper... How sad is it that I don't feel like I can be who I want to be? I'd be so much more productive if I just focused on what I genuinely want to make. All of the gloriously nerdy things that I like. *Heavy sigh* That was an unexpected rant. I'm sorry. I just feel like I'm dropping the ball in terms of not posting anything interesting, and not making anything. I should just make something. Wouldn't it be nice if I made something? Oh yes, quite so. Instead... Skyrim and curling up on the couch with my husband. It's good, but I'm not really getting anything done. Soon. I promise. 

I didn't go on the computer at all yesterday, which is why I didn't blog. Instead, two days at once! Hurrah!

Finally! Meet Petit Bijou. The little furry voodoo bear, who will be my companion. Remember in school when some teachers would get a little teddy bear, and every weekend a student would take it home, to return on Monday with a little gift in its suitcase, and a passage written in its journal? When I was in first grade (I think? Or was it kindergarten?) we had a little bear named Monsieur Maison. I was in French Immersion, thus the French name. It was delightful. Much better than having a hamster in fifth grade. That was disastrous. I'm off track. Petit Bijou will be my little companion, in a similar fashion to Monsieur Maison, but he is only mine. I am planning to make a little satchel to carry him in (to keep him safe), and include him in my otherwise mundane photographs. Now, I can't promise that the photographs will be clear. Bijou does not stand for clear photographs.

In the photograph above, he is with a turkey sandwich that I made. Turkey sandwiches are one of my favourites. Leftover turkey, mayonnaise, and cranberry sauce, on a warm bun. Apparently warm sourdough English muffin is the best. Delicious! Paired with cut up fruit, naturally. Yum yum yum!

Last night (after returning home from seeing American Hustle), we brewed some tea and learned how to play Gloom. Gloom is a card game in which you have to make your family as miserable as possible, before killing them off. My sister and brother-in-law gave us the game for Christmas, and it's so much fun. We played until 2 AM. Who knew that misery could be so much fun? It's particularly entertaining because part of the fun is creating the story as to why these events are happening to the individuals, and why this miserable event came to be. It's delightful. We'll probably play several times before the holidays are over. And more and more after that. 


  1. A silk elven cloak and chain mail sound like perfect fibre arts projects and the conceptualization is all about fantasy. Easy peasy!

    1. That would be wonderful... but am I brave enough?

  2. If creative people were not brave, there would not be any art at all.
