Monday, 30 December 2013

Day 39: Savoury

Hmm tasty. We've been  having some good leftovers from our turkey dinner. Today, I made leek and turkey pie. The recipe is from Jamie Oliver, who makes some good looking things. And, apparently, very tasty things. The recipe consists of leeks, a bit of bacon, turkey, puff pastry, and a few other seasonings and things. Y'know. What is to be expected. I deviated from the recipe a tad, but for the most part, it was the same recipe. Delicious. Though I ate too much, and am very full. It was too good, and we didn't eat much today. I wolfed down my food. For dessert, I tried out this black tea latte mix that my parents gave us for Christmas. You steep it like tea, but it's latte-ish. It's quite nice. It turned out a tad weak, but that's because it's meant to be made with a French press, which we don't have (as of yet. Maybe some day. After all, my husband does like coffee). 

And finally, I saw the last episode of Sherlock. It's such a good show. Oh, Benedict Cumberbatch. I like him. Speaking of television, have I mentioned that we're finally watching Breaking Bad? I can see what all the hype is about. It's a good show. I have to take a break from it, though. I keep having dreams that center around illegal activity. Which isn't all together pleasant.

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