Monday, 30 September 2013

Day 330: Transcription

Today, my English teacher and I had a brief moment of comradeship over being book worms. I always have a different book (because that's just how I work), so every class he asks what I'm reading. This happens because I'm the only person who is always reading a different book. Today, he asked me, and I responded with 'The Turn of the Screw' (because, that is what I was reading. Enjoying it, too). He had this look of shock and amazement, and all around happy surprise. 
"Yes, really. I don't know what else I would be doing with this book, other than reading it..."
"Well, yes, but what I meant was... Well, every time we have class you're always reading something different, and it's always something good! So... it's just nice to know another book worm."
I'm quite pleased that my English teacher thinks that I have good taste in books. However, I also find it sad that I'm one of the students who reads books (at least physical ones?). 

That being said, in the same English class, we learned about a poet/writer named Kenneth Goldsmith. His practice centers mainly around transcribing every day language (both spoken and written). I find it to be quite clever and fascinating. Because of this, I decided that I am going to transcribe all of my journals (my day to day sketchbooks). After all, what's the point of recording all of this stuff if you're not going to do anything with it, or pay attention to it after the fact.

I've also been working on corsets all day. Particularly, adding bead details to my 'reveal something about you' corset for silkscreen. I decided to embellish it and make it overly pretty. Which I find to be an interesting juxtaposition, as it is a beautiful framing to something that isn't beautiful. It also delights me to embellish things and add such extreme details. 

I'm actually really looking forward to finishing this work, and seeing how it looks hung up as a completed work.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Day 329: I now have a heart

Work in progress. I am doing the embroidery for my surrogate portrait art piece, for my drawing project. I requested that friends and family come up with words or short phrases that describe or identity me (from their point of view). Those who wrote something came up with amazing things. However, some of them are really long. Which, I'm delighted with, but at the same time... This is going to take me forever to embroider. Good thing that I have all day Tuesday. I suppose that those are the benefits to being in class full time on some days. Still not a fan... but nonetheless.

In other news, McDonald's has Wizard of Oz toys, because of the 75th anniversary. It makes me happy. My husband got his hands on the Tin Man and Glinda. Apparently someone referred to Glinda as 'the princess'. FYI and in case you don't know... She's a witch. 

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Day 328: Smelling Salts

Do you know how difficult it is to take a photograph of yourself when you're lying down. It's particularly difficult when you also want to look dead or (at very least) unconscious. Still, I managed to get an image that I was happy with, and that did what I wanted it to.

I was inspired to wear a tightly laced corset, and that made me think of passing out because of corsets. Incidentally, I was also trying out my steampunk Lizzie Borden inspired costume.Lots of black and layers and, of course, a corset. And thus, I made myself dead. Just for a little bit. While lying on top of a dead cow.

I'm an interesting person.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Day 327: Reveal something

I'm going to make a confession (or just concede to something...). A lot of my posts are going to be about school projects. This makes it feel like I'm cheating (and breaking promises)... but here are my reasons why.
1. I am currently making three corsets at once.
2. All of these corsets are involving a lot of handwork, such as embroidery, hand-stitching, or beading. Because of this, I really don't have a lot of time to even think about doing other art work. I mean... it's kind of incomprehensible.

This being said, I'll probably be posting about my art work that I make for school. I mean, not a bad thing, because if I might say so myself, my work has been fairly strong. Of course, I only have second years to compare to right now, but nonetheless, it's a bit more powerful and more thought-out than my past work. Especially these garments. Though... I don't recommend making three corsets at once. Especially when the deadlines are one or two weeks. Ugh. Thankfully, my husband was good enough to agreed to cutting out pattern pieces for me. It was a huge time saver, and I'm so appreciative. Not surprisingly, not having to cut out fabric saves a lot of time. No wonder Laura Flook sets her patterns cut out at a production house.

Any ways, the above piece (which is 90% finished) is for my second silkscreen project. The assignment was to reveal something about ourselves, using photo stencils. It's going to be strange to critique this, as my silkscreen class is a second year class. Usually second years reveal things like "I ride horses" or "I like my family". Nothing terribly thought-provoking. As a fourth year who has done a lot of projects and knows what is most evocative... Guess what I decide to do? I decide to make a corset that reveals EVERYTHING. It is an artwork that reveals my vulnerability, my depression, my anxieties, and my fears. It focuses on fears, and I decided to use silk organza, with silkscreen phrases that describe my anxieties and fears. The organza (all nine layers) are sewn on top of each other. This fades some images, and pushes some almost entirely out of view. I felt that it made the layering and piling of thoughts literal. Maybe too heavy handed... but I don't know how I would have done it any other way. The final phrase is (obviously) most visible, and is (coincidentally) over the heart. It says 'One night I curled into his chest and wept.' This relates to the absolute breaking point of depression. I'm nervous to critique my piece, because I will have to discuss how depression affects me, where nothing is wrong, but my mind manages to force to me to think about everything that scares me. For context, the phrases include things like 'I am afraid of falling apart, and seeing my body decay', 'I fear myself', and several others that fade away as they become more private. If the piece was held up to light, someone might be able to figure out what it says, but it's still more obscured and hidden. Still, I will be able to say something, and probably throw a curve ball at the younger students. They're just so sweet and innocent... And frankly, I respect that, but it's so boring and naive. 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Day 326: Cataraxe

I played around with some cataract lenses, and decided to do some weird possession-inspired makeup. It's really similar to some Rob Zombie-inspired makeup that I did a while ago... but that's mostly because it's a visual aesthetic that I enjoy. 

I really like the cataract lenses. They're semi-transparent white, so they fade the colour of the eye. It's weird to look through them. I normally wear corrective lenses, but you can't wear corrective lenses with costume lenses. So, it's blurry for me, but along with that, it's like being in a steamy room or in a fog. Interesting, and not as blinding as other white lenses (from what I understand). I like the lenses because it's a very subtle change, but enough to add a hit of death and decay. Which is perfect for my Lizzie Borden inspired Halloween costume (which will probably utilize makeup similar to this).

Countdown to October and the season of All Hallow's Eve.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Day 325: My body isn't used to exercise

This morning, I took my dear sweet time in getting ready for my day and leaving the house. By default, I was late for the bus (by seconds), but I wasn't late for my meeting with my instructor, so it was okay. Still, taking my dear sweet time proved to be a good thing.

This morning was a lazy and spiritual kind of morning. I didn't bother brushing my hair because I liked how it looked (maybe I should never brush my hair. Lush brand R&B hair cream or whatever it is... That stuff works wonders on my frizzy keratin locks). Then, I decided to look into belly dancing.

I've been toying with the idea of learning how to belly dance for a while. I have this idea that it'd be cool to learn belly dance and then do horror-based performances (can you tell that I go to events in the Calgary Underground?). This morning, I looked up places in Calgary that offer classes, because having an instructor is good when you're learning how to manipulate your body to do movements that it's not used to. Then I remembered that it's usually expensive to do such things, and got the idea to look up tutorials on YouTube. I ended up finding a really good one, that goes through the very basics, from warming up to cooling down. I think the whole thing is about forty-five minutes or an hour. It was really neat, and I'm going to try to do the exercises daily or a couple of times through the week. At very least, do the stretches and arm movements. I felt really good after doing it, except that I'm out of shape in EVERY respect. I should start running or something. Along with doing belly dancing exercises.

Along with doing some belly dancing, I drew my first daily oracle. Yesterday I bought some animal runes. They are similar to tarot cards, but focus on animal spirits and animal guides. I've been tampering with the idea of getting some for meditation for a while, but it's never felt like the right time. However, yesterday my friend and I were in a new age store, and all of the animal tarot was on the counter, so it was like the universe was telling me that it was a good time. I got a good feeling from the runes, and so far I really enjoy using them. They make me feel happy and calm. 

I'm just going to go ahead and admit that today I don't have any images... But here is a picture of a vulture, because that is my rune for today. It symbolizes cleansing. Which feels quite fitting because of the strives I'm hoping to take with my body (for the record, the decision came first, then the rune. The rune was just a happy fit).

Excuse me while I feel all new age-y. 

Day 324: Thought about stuff

I was supposed to help my husband and his friends work on a horror short. It ended up not happening, because of disagreement on where the idea should go. Still, everyone agreed to write a script and reconvene, and make something based on a script. I'm kind of sad, though. I was looking forward to being a creepy asylum ghost patient demon thing in a straight jacket. Le sigh.

For good balance, though, here is a picture of witch pants.

They are necropants, used by Icelandic witches in the 17th century. Kind of creepy. Full story here.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Day 323: Hellworld

Ah, a meal of champions. Delicious shanghai noodles, freshly baked brownies, and pomegranate. I made both the noodle dish and the brownies. Very tasty, and a nice round meal. Maybe could have had more vegetables... but even so.

My husband surprised me with a DVD of the last three Hellraiser movies (other than Revelations, which doesn't count because it doesn't have Douglas Bradley). Made me very excited. We decided to watch Hellraiser: Hellworld. It was weird, but good. In an early 2000s horror movie kind of way. I just love Hellraiser movies. Definitely my favourite horror movie franchise. 

Then I drew this:

This drawing is "zoomed in" quite a bit. The face part of the drawing is only about 2" tall. I did this because I halfheartedly drew Pinhead, and then I got bored and scribbled a bunch. Not really worth anyone's time. Or is it?

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Day 322: Harley Quinn... The Drawing

I spent a bit more time drawing this. At least, more time than I spent on Harley Quinn yesterday. Naturally, I didn't spend as much time as I could have, but the drawing is still an improvement. Funny what happens when you take the time to draw something. There are some definite flaws, but I'm fairly satisfied with it. I should practice drawing superheroes/villains. It would probably do well at the Comic Expo. Maybe?

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Day 321: Harley Quinn Doodles

Last actual day of International Batman Week. I drew a bunch of Harley Quinn doodles. Poorly drawn, but nonetheless. That's what I did. I think the best one is the chibi style one with the hearts. But that's just because it's adorable. 

Friday, 20 September 2013

Day 320: Bizarro Grimm

Lazy day off. The reason I don't really want to have a job any more. That and a burning desire to bleach my hair and go pastel. But that's a story for another day... Where was I? Ah yes. Lazy day off. I woke up, make a smoothie, played Mortal Kombat (FATALITY. But not. I'm not very good. And I lost half way through and gave up), watched a bunch of YouTubers, and then shot and uploaded the above vlog. Brief, yet I would like to believe charming, perhaps? (Kidding. It probably isn't... Or is it? *dramatic stare*)

Afterwards, I went to buy some needles and stock up on some fall clothing (sweaters and leggings... Winter is coming. Is it weird that I wear more skirts in fall and winter than in the summer or spring?). I had the best intentions of going home and getting work done (as I also bought needles for my sewing machine), but instead I received a phone call from my husband, asking if I wanted to go and see Prisoners with him and a few friends. I agreed, as it is a crime drama that I have been wanting to see. We did that (and it was quite good). Immediately after, we followed through with our actual Friday night plans of going to see Insidious: Chapter 2 (second time was the charm! And it was great). So, needless to say... Not a heck of a lot was done. Le sigh. Maybe tomorrow...

But oh right! Work. At least it's just the afternoon. And let's face it. Poor art student. I can use the currency. Though I can't express how undeniably shallow that makes me feel. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Day 319: International Talk Like A Pirate Day

A long day at school. I kept yawning and being tired and sleepy... But it was still a good day at school. Though I've got to say- critiques in second year classes are so much different than in fourth year. It's just so... different. Pretty much everything begins with 'I like...', and nothing is really questioned. Not to mention the fact that most of the work isn't really concept heavy, and therefore it's sometimes not very interesting to look at. Ah well... At least it's hit me that I actually do consider my work, am well-read, and my work does have a certain degree of depth. It's good to actually be reminded of that... Or just realize it in general.

In other news, today was International Talk Like A Pirate Day ("Ahoy there mateys! Raise the sails and set yerselves fer mighty adventure!" ...To be honest, my pirate speech needs practice). To celebrate, my husband and I made popcorn, hot chocolate and watched Pirates! Band of Misfits. It was great. I made the hot chocolate from scratch, stove style. I didn't follow a recipe, but went strictly off of memory. What I did was I heated the milk in a pot on the stove. While that was heating, I made a paste (or rather, a concentrated mixture) of cocoa powder, sugar, and a bit of milk. Finally, when the milk was heated, I stirred it into the mixtures. It was delicious. It will likely be a regular thing.

Now, to bed. We stayed up a bit later watching the film, and now we're ready to fall asleep on the couch. Tomorrow is my day off, and who knows what adventures it might bring! 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Day 318: Poison Ivy

Another day of International Batman Week! Day two of doing Gotham Siren-inspired makeup. Today I did makeup inspired by Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy isn't my favourite Siren, but I'm still really fond of her. I'd eventually like to do cosplay of all of the Gotham Sirens, and I think that Poison Ivy would be the most challenging and the most interesting.

The make up I did had a palette and 'shape' (so to speak) that was heavily inspired by Poison Ivy from the film Batman & Robin, where Uma Thurman stars as Poison Ivy.

I started with some basic black eyeliner and mascara. To start the 'Ivy' look, I used a bit of green cream eyeliner made by Lush Cosmetics (one of my very favourite companies), and added a bit of green glitter eyeliner. To top it all off, I added some silver eyeliner to the sides of my face, to create some vine-like patterns. Overall, I'd say that I'm pleased with it. 

Tomorrow is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, so I'll have to do something Pirate based. Maybe somehow combine pirates and Batman...

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Day 317: Harley Quinn

In honour of International Batman Week, I decided to do different Siren-themed makeup every day. Or, for as long as I can think of ideas. To be clear, by 'Siren' I mean 'The Sirens of Gotham'. They are the female villains of the Batman universe. Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn. 

Today, my husband suggested that I do Harley Quinn makeup, and so I did. I did a basic eyeliner with a bit of black eye shadow, and then topped it with silver glitter eye shadow. It just seemed like something that Harley Quinn would like. To make it even more Harley Quinn-ish I drew red and black diamonds. 

In case you don't know, this is Harley Quinn (she's had lots of outfits and costumes, but this is the classic, which is my favourite):

Monday, 16 September 2013

Day 316: All laced up

Another day of working on corsets, and only for school. Thus, I don't want to cheat... But here are some images of my corset inspiration.

Aerial circus corset, circa 1880s
Corset gas mask. Artist unknown, but I love this to death.
Corset with metal waist cinch, screw, and wingnut, from Exotique Magazine, circa 1950s
Victorian medical corset
Hopefully I will be posting about all of these corsets of mine on Grimm By Design soon. Soon...

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Day 315: International Batman Week Kick-Off Party

This week is International Batman Week. It's not an official thing, but it's a real thing, and we hosted a party. The day started off with going to the Red & White Comic and Toy Expo, and spending the majority of the day there. We found a lot of neat things, and visited with friends. It was delightful. 

For the party, we organized decorations and gift bags. I made Bat-themed cupcakes, a Batman shaped pizza, and we made "Bat Wings" and "Victor Fries". Some of our friends brought food, and we have been enjoying Andy Warhol edition Perrier.

Fun fact: Andy Warhol actually fits into Batman week. Andy Warhol made a Batman movie, but it was unlicensed and he wasn't allowed to play it for anyone. 

It had Andy Warhol as Robin, and Nico as Batman. So... pretty cool!

In other news, I dressed up as Catwoman, only casual. Like... Catwoman if she was going to the supermarket or the zoo.

And lastly, here is my arm. Black rhinestones (to go with my black outfit), stamp from Red & White Expo, and a brand new leather bracelet. It's a Supernatural reference. It says 'Salt and Burn'. I adore it. It was made by Longbeard Leathers, from Calgary, Alberta.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Day 314: 1920s Birthday Party

It's a little after midnight, and I just returned from a 1920s themed birthday party. I forgot to take photos of my outfit, but it was truly divine (if I might say so myself). The addition of a lace fringed shawl and a fur collar fashioned into a stole made for a very glamorous Ziegfeld-style outfit. I am now exhausted from an evening of good music, entertaining conversation, and drinking champagne (by which I mean one glass). The above photo is a just a glimpse to the actual wonderment that was a Twenties themed party. My husband's friend appreciated that we set the bar for class and 1920s-ishness. (With myself modeled after Ziegfeld girls, and my husband looking suspiciously like Nick Carraway.)

Today was a good day. We watched a great deal of Pee Wee Herman's Playhouse, I made cupcakes for tomorrow (I still need to ice them, though), and we decorated and organized for our Batman party tomorrow. More on that later.... But all in all a good day, with lots of interesting productivity. Nevermind the fact that I was in my pajamas until three in the afternoon. 

Friday, 13 September 2013

Day 313: Friday the thirtmeowth

Today is Friday the 13th! Ooooh spooky! I enjoy Friday the 13th. People freak out, horror movies come out, and it's ripe with references to Jason Voorhees. Fun fact: Friday the 13th is one of my favourite horror movie franchises, so I watch most of the movies a couple of times per year. I love the first movie, and Jason Voorhees is my favourite slasher who is actually misunderstood (unlike most slashers). I woke up at 7:58 this morning (whooo! Slept in for two hours!), and started my day with some tea and watching the remake of Friday the 13th. The remake was made in 2009, and is not as good as the original, but I don't own the original (shocking... I should own all of them). The remake is surprisingly good, and stars Jared Padalecki (of Supernatural fame). I thought about watching Friday the 13th VI, but it's terrible, and I decided to watch other movies instead. Ultimately, all in all, Friday the 13th is my second favourite horror franchise, second only to Hellraiser

In the above photo, you may have noticed some cat ear looking items, and that's exactly what they are! I made cat ears. They are small and subtle, and they are for the kick-off day of International Batman Week (not an official thing, but it's a real thing). I don't actually own a Batman shirt, so the next option is to dress up as pseudo-Catwoman (barely). The ears are modeled after Julie Newmar (who is my favourite Catwoman). Here's hoping that the kick-off party will be... purrrfect

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Day 312: Price

A caricature of Vincent Price... would you have guessed? I sketched a couple small drawings of Vincent Price... It must be the sense of Hallowe'en inching forward. October is only a few weeks away!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Day 311: Ziegfeld Gal

I'm preparing to go to a 1920s themed birthday party on Saturday. My husband and I were given the responsibility of 'bringing it' (i.e. dressing in the most splendid and most 1920s-ish 1920s garments and coming in the most 1920s facade possible). It just so happens that dressing like a rich 1920s woman is one of my favourite things, so I undertook the challenge with great happiness. I found some glitz and glamour in the form of sparkly chandelier earrings, and in a trip to a thrift store, found a stunning burgundy satin gown ($13, fits me like a charm, doesn't have a back, makes me feel very good about myself). As I have dressed in a more flapper style of 1920s the past few times, I decided to go for more of a 1920s New York- Ziegfeld Follies- Hollywood kind of black tie formal. The gown I found is quite fitting for that respect.

Because dressing to the nines is a favourite hobby of mine, I decided to play around with some elegant hairstyles and make up. I just can't wait to be a Gatsby gal!

First of all, I was strongly influenced by photographs like these:


Basically, pure elegance in pearls, lace, and fur. Ziegfeld girls were such beautiful women, and they encapsulated the air of royalty, class, sophistication, and all of the alcohol and singing of the entertainment industry in the 1920s.

I also found this image, which is what got me thinking.

I just love the 1920s. The glitter, the rebelliousness, the aspirations and hopes for the future. The rich people enjoying their new wealth, and not expecting anything to go wrong. Just party, party, party.

Of course, I am thinking about The Great Gatsby as I write this.

I will be posting about my actual outfit on the day of the party (with photographs of my dress!), but here are a few photos of my 'demo' makeup and hair.


My hairdo was quite complex, and used well over a dozen bobby pins. It incorporated some braiding and knotting techniques. On Friday night I am going to curl my hair with bobby pins so that I can get the proper finger curls (I am all about the detail). 

My makeup was pretty basic. I was adding to my makeup from the day, only using pencil eyeliner (which is something I seldom use) and adding a great deal of brown and copper eye shadow. Then, I added a beauty spot, for the iconic finishing touch.

Dressing up is such fun. For this outfit I am all about the details and references to vintage photography. Notice the pearls being swept over the shoulder onto the back? Yeah. Marvelous. 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Day 310: Tuesdays cease to be productive

What is it with Tuesdays? At school for nine or ten hours, and yet, nothing creative other than school work. Which... isn't terribly creative.

So here is my face and my tiredness.

Onwards! To glory!

And there is my husband's ear. Hello, husband's ear.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Day 309: Pastafarian

I did a lot of art work today (I mean... a lot. I was at school four hours before I needed to be... and then after school I got a bit more work done by basting corset pieces. Woooot!

Then I made supper. Which was spaghetti.

I have no explanation.