Today is Friday the 13th! Ooooh spooky! I enjoy Friday the 13th. People freak out, horror movies come out, and it's ripe with references to Jason Voorhees. Fun fact: Friday the 13th is one of my favourite horror movie franchises, so I watch most of the movies a couple of times per year. I love the first movie, and Jason Voorhees is my favourite slasher who is actually misunderstood (unlike most slashers). I woke up at 7:58 this morning (whooo! Slept in for two hours!), and started my day with some tea and watching the remake of Friday the 13th. The remake was made in 2009, and is not as good as the original, but I don't own the original (shocking... I should own all of them). The remake is surprisingly good, and stars Jared Padalecki (of Supernatural fame). I thought about watching Friday the 13th VI, but it's terrible, and I decided to watch other movies instead. Ultimately, all in all, Friday the 13th is my second favourite horror franchise, second only to Hellraiser.
In the above photo, you may have noticed some cat ear looking items, and that's exactly what they are! I made cat ears. They are small and subtle, and they are for the kick-off day of International Batman Week (not an official thing, but it's a real thing). I don't actually own a Batman shirt, so the next option is to dress up as pseudo-Catwoman (barely). The ears are modeled after Julie Newmar (who is my favourite Catwoman). Here's hoping that the kick-off party will be... purrrfect.
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