Sunday, 15 September 2013

Day 315: International Batman Week Kick-Off Party

This week is International Batman Week. It's not an official thing, but it's a real thing, and we hosted a party. The day started off with going to the Red & White Comic and Toy Expo, and spending the majority of the day there. We found a lot of neat things, and visited with friends. It was delightful. 

For the party, we organized decorations and gift bags. I made Bat-themed cupcakes, a Batman shaped pizza, and we made "Bat Wings" and "Victor Fries". Some of our friends brought food, and we have been enjoying Andy Warhol edition Perrier.

Fun fact: Andy Warhol actually fits into Batman week. Andy Warhol made a Batman movie, but it was unlicensed and he wasn't allowed to play it for anyone. 

It had Andy Warhol as Robin, and Nico as Batman. So... pretty cool!

In other news, I dressed up as Catwoman, only casual. Like... Catwoman if she was going to the supermarket or the zoo.

And lastly, here is my arm. Black rhinestones (to go with my black outfit), stamp from Red & White Expo, and a brand new leather bracelet. It's a Supernatural reference. It says 'Salt and Burn'. I adore it. It was made by Longbeard Leathers, from Calgary, Alberta.

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