Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Day 325: My body isn't used to exercise

This morning, I took my dear sweet time in getting ready for my day and leaving the house. By default, I was late for the bus (by seconds), but I wasn't late for my meeting with my instructor, so it was okay. Still, taking my dear sweet time proved to be a good thing.

This morning was a lazy and spiritual kind of morning. I didn't bother brushing my hair because I liked how it looked (maybe I should never brush my hair. Lush brand R&B hair cream or whatever it is... That stuff works wonders on my frizzy keratin locks). Then, I decided to look into belly dancing.

I've been toying with the idea of learning how to belly dance for a while. I have this idea that it'd be cool to learn belly dance and then do horror-based performances (can you tell that I go to events in the Calgary Underground?). This morning, I looked up places in Calgary that offer classes, because having an instructor is good when you're learning how to manipulate your body to do movements that it's not used to. Then I remembered that it's usually expensive to do such things, and got the idea to look up tutorials on YouTube. I ended up finding a really good one, that goes through the very basics, from warming up to cooling down. I think the whole thing is about forty-five minutes or an hour. It was really neat, and I'm going to try to do the exercises daily or a couple of times through the week. At very least, do the stretches and arm movements. I felt really good after doing it, except that I'm out of shape in EVERY respect. I should start running or something. Along with doing belly dancing exercises.

Along with doing some belly dancing, I drew my first daily oracle. Yesterday I bought some animal runes. They are similar to tarot cards, but focus on animal spirits and animal guides. I've been tampering with the idea of getting some for meditation for a while, but it's never felt like the right time. However, yesterday my friend and I were in a new age store, and all of the animal tarot was on the counter, so it was like the universe was telling me that it was a good time. I got a good feeling from the runes, and so far I really enjoy using them. They make me feel happy and calm. 

I'm just going to go ahead and admit that today I don't have any images... But here is a picture of a vulture, because that is my rune for today. It symbolizes cleansing. Which feels quite fitting because of the strives I'm hoping to take with my body (for the record, the decision came first, then the rune. The rune was just a happy fit).

Excuse me while I feel all new age-y. 

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