Friday, 31 January 2014

Day 71: Children shouldn't play with fire

Finally. I got lots done today. Which is good. 

I sewed the front panels of four corsets. They won't be real corsets, but I'm planning to have them all together, either nailed to a wall (like specimens), or stiffened and suspended in a torso shape. We'll see. 

The corsets are going to be destructed in various ways, or speak of destruction in some way. The first one (that I worked on today) that I worked on today was burned with a lighter. I'm going to burn it a bit more, but for now, this is how it looks.


It was a fun activity. Who doesn't love to set fire to things? I do. As far as destruction of the objects goes, I might try to do one for each element, or something of the sort. Fire, water, earth, and air. Could be interesting, but we'll see. I'm working fairly intuitively, just to make sure that I make. And, as you can see, that means setting fire to something! We'll see what comes next.

Also, here is a cleaned up version of my Haxan design.

I'll be doing a few things with this. Details to follow! (Probably on my Grimm Fabrications blog). 

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Day 69 & 70: Tea cups and knots

I feel like I wasted eight hours of my life. But first!

Yesterday, I kind of splurged on a tea cup. I was buying some much needed tea (Russian Earl Grey and Lady Grey) from The Naked Leaf. The Naked Leaf is one of my favourite tea shops in Calgary. It recently moved to a new location (such a nice big open shop), and discovering it was like finding the Leaky Cauldron. Or Diagonal Alley. It moved to this down-the-stairs little courtyard next to the Higher Ground. I've walked along Kensington Road many times, and I've never noticed those steps. It was so magical! Any ways, my friend found this really cute cat face tea cup, and I found one that I fell in love with. It's so nice to hold, and it's the perfect size. 

Isn't it nice? It makes me think of scales. I needed some kind cup for my studio space at school. Yes, there's a tea cup in the photo right next to it. That tea cup is my mis-matched set from the Deane House. I drank out of it once, and felt kind of off afterwards. May have been a coincidence, but because of that, I don't drink out of it. It just sits on my desk and looks pretty, all the while making me think of the Deane House and its imaginary ghosts. Now, however, I have an actual cup that I can drink tea and water out of, and it will always be in my studio. Then, after I'm done with the whole post-secondary thing, it will go wherever I need it, be it home or a workplace or another studio. I'm quite fond of it. Seriously- it's the perfect texture for my hands. Yay for being a tactile person!

Now, back to wasting my day. Or at least eight hours of it. 

I spent a lot of time putting a knotted fringe on one of my Arcane kimono shrugs. 

I really like the technique, and enjoyed doing it (even though it took forever). 

Mine wasn't perfect... 

And then it hung horribly, so I ripped it out. I'd been using cotton yarn/thread, and the way it looked just... it kind of cheapened the kimono. I felt kind of disappointed for feeling like I wasted all that time. The good news is that I learned a new skill (kind of... albeit one that needs to be practiced), while listening to Postmodern Jukebox. This one is probably my favourite, but they're all really good. 

They make popular songs even better by covering them in various vintage music styles. It's fantastic.

Now... where was I...

Oh right! So, I took the fringe off, because it just didn't work. So, how did my fringe look in the end? Like this. A giant pile of thread.

So, what did I do? I gave part of it to my mice to nest with. 

They appreciated it, and had oodles of fun ripping it down. It used to be a hammock structure along the top, but by some kind of mouse magic they chewed it down or ripped it down or whatever. Now they are sleeping happily, atop their brand new threads. Literally.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Day 68: CCEE Artbook

I'm working on possible submissions for the Calgary Comic and Entertainment art book. I want to do something with a mermaid, and I'd like to do something with a sailor, but I'm terrible at drawing men. I might just do something with mermaids, and a shipwreck in the distance. More doodles and ideas to be done before the due date. 

Monday, 27 January 2014

Day 67: Dress making

Made salad and pudding. Now that I'm well fed, and watching The Little Mermaid, I can start talking about what I did today.

I'm a bit behind on my school work (because, ultimately, I'd much rather work on anything else other than what I'm going to be graded on). However, today I got caught up a bit, and got the majority of my Elven gown finished. Now I just have to put in the fasteners, and maybe make straps of some kind.

I made the skirt part a few days ago, and today I made the bodice. I think that the dress is coming along quite well, and it strikes me as being something that an Elf would wear. As I've mentioned in a past post, it is made of a silk-look synthetic (I got it for free...) and cotton turban cloth. I didn't really want to have to buy many materials for this project, so I used what I had on hand, and what I could get for free. The good news is that the materials I had at my disposal were pretty much spot on to what I could have wanted. It's pretty much exactly what I had in mind. 

For the bodice, I used the pattern from the book The Party Dress by Mary Adams. It's a great book. My mum gave it to me for Christmas last year, and though I've flipped through it for inspiration countless times, today was the first time that I've used the pattern. I had to adjust it a little bit, because the smallest size's waist was a little too big. It's a nice structured shape. I didn't follow the pattern exactly, but overall, I'm quite pleased with it. I'll be posting good photos in a few months, when it's nicer out. I'm going to get it really dirty, though, because I'll be traipsing around the woods in it. I mean, it's an elf costume... It has to be documented in the woods. 

I haven't finished the cloak yet, but that's because I'm having issues with it in terms of making it look how I want it to look. At least the gown is one of my favourite things that I've ever made. I'm thinking about adding a bit of beading or embroidery to make it even more beautiful, and add a little bit of ethereal sparkle. 

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Day 66: Haxan

Today I made a sample/trial shirt. The shirts have been sewn for a while, but I wanted to do something with them. Today I was a bit inspired by the film Häxan (check out my other blog that discusses it). In the above photo, you can see it paired with the Arcane kimono.

I made a stencil out of paper, and blotted it with fabric paint. 

The blotted pattern has a certain Rorschach inkblot charm to it. Also it kind of looks like it's been burned, which is cool.

However, I am more fond of the sharpness of the initial stencil, and how the text looks. I'm thinking that I'll do another version of it, which I will silkscreen. I'm quite pleased with how arcane and occult-ish it looks.

Also, I finished the infinity scarf commission for my friend. I hope she likes it!

That's about it. Now I'm going to make some tortellini. 

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Day 65: Skirts and scotch

Happy Robbie Burns day, everyone! It's almost over, but in case you haven't, you best go and get yourself some scotch. I'm having mine as I type this. I was at work, and one of the events was a Robbie Burns supper and scotch tasting. All the bagpipes and men in kilts put me in the Scot spirit. Now I'm exhausted and ready to go to bed, but instead I'll probably fall asleep watching Dredd (as in Judge Dredd). 

This morning I woke up feeling lost and disconnected. Dreams led me to feel uncomfortable in my own skin, and without myself. I hate when I feel that way. As a response, I got out of bed, washed up, finished sewing part of a gown, and then ate a wonderful 12:30 PM breakfast that my husband made (omelettes with lots of stuff in it, juice, and dragon fruit). I also played a lot of Skyrim. I needed escapism, and nothing works better than Skyrim

Here's the skirt part of the Elven Aristocrat/Mage/Priestess gown that I'm making. I'm going to make the bodice on Monday. It consists of this stiff-ish silk-looking fabric, and cotton turban cloth. 


When I think of elves, I think of something that is simultaneously structured and ethereal. When the gown is done, it will consist of an empire-waist skirt with a structured bodice, and flow-y soft sleeve things. The sleeve things will match the turban cloth inserts on the skirt. Structure and softness. I think that it will be rather effective. 

Friday, 24 January 2014

Day 64: Sewing sewing sewing... and breaking for delicious snacks

Behold! A blurry photo of my work space!

Today while I was in class, I worked on the body of a doll. This doll is the next installment of my Black Doll series. 

So far so good. It's going to be stuffed with human hair. Long story. Necessary, though.

Also, today was a good snack day. 

Camembert cheese, olive oil & rosemary Triscuits, dragon fruit (my favourite), and mango. I meant to buy pineapple, but I confused the packages. They were the pre-cut packages, and because they're the same colour... Well... yeah. Clearly I wasn't paying attention. At first, I was kind of peeved, because in my brain, I do not like mango. Still, I paid money, and I didn't want it to go to waste, so I ate one. I was pleasantly surprised. The mango that I got wasn't too ripe, so still fairly crunchy, and quite nice. Who knew? Oh, the surprises that come out of eating things that you don't think you like.

Later, when I was making pizza, I decided to be adventurous. I made a pizza with tomato sauce, mango, Italiano grated cheese, Silk Road spices, and chili pepper flakes. The result? Definite tastiness. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Day 63: I, Frankenstein and that's about it.

Sewed. Cut fabric. Had a Disney afternoon.

Saw I, Frankenstein at a pre-release for free. I wouldn't have paid to see it. It wasn't very good. First half hour was cool, but it faded fast.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Day 62: Magic

I posted an image on my Grimm Fabrications blog of some fabric that I printed, and was pondering over. I wanted to make something. I posted it to my personal Facebook as well. I never really expect anything to come out of it. I post photos of my work all the time, but very seldom does anything come out of it, other than some likes and maybe a comment this evening. 

This evening... Such excitement, such joy. A friend of mine, who is also a huge inspiration, saw the photo and got really, really, excited. Who knew that one of my friends is obsessed with Seraphs? Not I! Now I have been commissioned to make an infinity scarf out of the beautiful fabric. I couldn't have asked for a better thing to make, nor a better person to make something for. I'm so unbearably excited, and honored. Not to mention how good it feels when someone you look up to posts a status like this.

It makes me want to make, and keep making, and never stop making. It pumps the blood through my veins.

Today was one of the brightest days that I've had in what feels like ages. Positive run ins with friends, such joy, a bizarre number of kind compliments, and so many people just made me feel good about myself. Thank you everyone who spoke to me today. Every single one of you made me feel more like myself, and happy, and loved. I felt so complete today, and so ready to make things, and just... do. 

It's pure magic. 

Today I spent most of the day applying for shows and grants and stuff... Or at least preparing my submission information for those. Which was interesting. We'll see where that goes...

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Day 61: What happened there

Discovered a weird binding flaw in my Frankenweenie notebook. The notebook had one job while it was being bound. One job. Instead... weird folded diagonal... yeah.

Classes and kimonos today. Nothing too exciting. At least nothing worth posting more photos about. Hopefully there will be something super cool tomorrow. That's all for now, folks.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Day 60: Bacon wrapped asparagus

Delicious! Today I decided to make bacon wrapped asparagus. I had heard of it, but I kind of winged it and just did what seemed right. I basically just wrapped the raw (washed) asparagus in uncooked bacon, put it in a frying pan on medium heat, and cooked it (covered) until bacon was cooked. Result? Deliciousness. I served it with some couscous (threw some red pepper in it for texture and colour). 

Also, new samples for Grimm Fabrications. I'll be making a limited run of kimonos made from printed fabric that I made last year. 

More information can be found on the Grimm Fabrications blog.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Day 59: Pin Up & Rockabilly


Today marks my first attempt at victory rolls /or/ pin up swirls. It took me over an hour to get ready this morning because I was doing my hair. Hurrah for me! It was fun, though. I don't really get the opportunity to do grandiose hairstyle. Having my hair like this makes me feel really confident and happy. In general, any old style of hair or fashion does. And that, dear friends, is why I always use liquid eyeliner and finish it with wings. It just makes me feel good.

My swirls were kind of placed weird, and I definitely want to attempt these again. I just need more hair spray first. The rest of my hair kind of looks like a rat's nest... but I'm okay with that. Making pin up swirls is just such fun, and yeah. Good feelings all around. 

I really do like pin up and rockabilly styles. It's one of those things that I drift away from, but every time I return, I feel so at home and happy. Apparently a deep part of me wants to be a proper Betty.

Here are some drawings of rockabilly-ish things. Just a couple of sketchbook drawings.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Day 57 & 58: The Drawing Edition

Is it sad that I don't really consider drawing as getting work done? I think that might be primarily because I don't actually finish anything. I will... but not yesterday, and not tomorrow. I don't even really think that I draw anymore. I just kind of sprawl across the floor, and claim my territory with pens and paper. 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Day 55 & 56: Headaches

Yesterday. Ugh. Yesterday. I had the worst headache for the entire day. I blame the weather. I ended up going to bed at 4:30 in tears. Needless to say, I didn't do anything, other than be in pain, be brain dead, and go to sleep. Though I did go out for lunch with some friends, and that was nice. Food and water helped my head... for a little while.

Anyways, onwards and forwards. Today my headache was gone (mostly- just a tiny tinge when I woke up after sleeping for a solid 9.5 hours... plus a 2.5 hour nap before my husband got home). After eating breakfast (cherries, tea, and bacon!), playing Skyrim, and doing laundry, I commenced a day of continuing to organize studio (it's getting so close to being fully organized!). Once I had done my fill of sorting jewelry supplies, I moved on to sewing shirts.

I managed to make three out two meters of jersey. It's a nice light jersey, which will be sandpapered to wear out, and make it look grungy, torn, and just really rough. Also, super soft. These three shirts will be screen printed. They all fit a loose small/medium (40" across chest, waist, and hips; 25" long). Each series of t-shirts (I guess that they'd technically be tank tops) will be a limited run of 10-30 shirts. I'm going to try to do 10 of each size (small, medium, large), but some might have less shirts, and will just be in "small" (or whatever the size of shirt that I made today would be). Details to follow.

Right now my husband and I are watching Clerks. It's such an odd movie; makes me think of Coffee & Cigarettes. During this time, I've been doodling some designs and things that might end up being t-shirt designs. We will see, though! 

We were talking the other idea, and I realized that my art school career has gone full circle. When I was first thinking of applying to art school (back in grade 11 or so), I was thinking that all I wanted to do was design t-shirts. I made designed a shirt for a band from Regina. Now that I'm close to graduating from said art school, I am designing t-shirts. The only difference is that I have higher standards of fabric, and I've moved on to sewing the shirts. I'm also wearing out the shirts with sand paper to make them soft and look decrepit. Why? Because that's how I like my shirts. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Day 54: Hilarious homonyms and trials of cleanliness

The title of this blog ultimately has nothing to do with this blog, but I have to mumble about how it bothers me when someone corrects you on Facebook, on someone else's thread, and then it turns into a whole big thing because you know you're right. I posted on a friend's status "Live fast and try dyeing". Someone commented "Dying**", and then... Well, y'know. And apparently this person thought that dying and dyeing were spelled the same. Thus, the fibre joke kind of ruined (Note, I did steal the quote off of a t-shirt I saw online, but it's seriously awesome). Ah well. Just... weird, y'know? I mean, can you imagine the gruesome confusion that would occur if it was spelled the same? I mean, as homonyms alone it's ridiculous. "Kay, I'm going to go dye now"; everyone else hears "Kay, I'm going to go die now". Heh. Funny. Oh, the jocularity! Good ol' homonyms. No wonder in Britain they are determined to have every word spelled differently

Any ways. What I did today.

I've been reorganizing my home studio, and our house in general. I reorganized it so that our living room has lots of open space, and I've been opening up my studio a bit. I wanted to make it cleaner, more organized, and thin out my art supplies. I am down to three (so close to two...) boxes of fabric. Anything less than a certain size, and it's going to the thrift store. Getting rid of lots of things. Which is good. I want to make sure that my work space is a healthy environment for me, and that I don't get overwhelmed by having so many boxes and piles of stuff. I'm so close to being done. I needed to take a break, though. I worked on reorganizing and cleaning for at least three solid hours.

During that time, I cleaned labels off of some bottles I had, so that I could use them as storage (for smaller things). When I was walking back, I had a moment where I had to reenact a scene from Warriors.

For those of you who have not seen the film, here's the clip.

Regardless of what people might say, it's a good film. I quite enjoyed it.

That was a brief break during my tidy frenzy. Then, I went to Fabricland, and found some nice light white jersey. Excited! I also went to Home Outfitters. We still have lots of gift card credit, and I needed a heating pad, so my husband said that I could use some of the credit to get one. I found a hot water bottle. At the same time, I got a French press (my husband likes his morning coffee), and this cool tin that was on sale for $6 (from $20), that was similar to some that I had my eye on when we were registering, and it's now a tin for spices and stuff in our kitchen.

Also... bought some music.

Heck yes. Now I can listen to Lana Del Rey in the car. Bountiful beauty that is the sound waves in my ears.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Day 53: Lana Del Rey

This morning (and then for the whole day, really...) I went on a bit of a Lana Del Rey kick. I've always liked the song that she did for The Great Gatsby soundtrack, and finally (thanks to a suggestion on YouTube), I listened to two of her albums. She's so good. You can read my full opinions about her on my Grimm Fabrications blog. Because of this musical adoration, I decided to attempt drawing Lana Del Rey.

I like it better as a drawing than as a portrait, but overall I'm pretty pleased. I'm making it my goal to get better at drawing. At least, become more practiced again. 

This morning I made a good breakfast. Fried oats with apple, spices, flax, and hemp seeds. Lots of fibre... and it was delicious!

Also, this is what my space looks like when I'm doing homework, eating breakfast, and listening to Lana Del Rey. Seriously, she's amazing.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Day 52: Pasta and Prototypes

Delicious pasta. My husband said that it looked like it was made by swamp creatures, because it was fettuccini alfredo made with parsley, and I used spinach pasta. Odd compliment, but it was really rather tasty. I used this recipe from the Canadian Food Network. Pretty good. My sauce was a little thin, but that's only because I used a full box of pasta, and didn't alter the ratio. Meh, no big deal. I was craving fettuccini, and I was satisfied.

In other news, I worked on some samples and prototypes. Figuring out some things, designing, yaddy-yaddy. So far so good. More detail about that on the Grimm Fabrications blog.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Day 51: Haint Drawers

I forgot to take before photos, but I kind of have a couple on this older post. The above photos are some work in progress. Now, good for me! I sanded, primed, and painted all in one day! I even bought the materials today. This whole project costed about $32. $15 for the drawers from MCC Thrift Store, and $17 for painting supplies, sample size jar of Behr paint, and sample size of miss-tinted white paint. Ultimately, a good price for something that left me feeling really good, satisfied, and with a beautiful piece of furniture. 

I woke up this morning feeling really depressed, and it took me a while to get out of bed. Fortunately, I forced myself to get up before my husband left to go shoot some footage, otherwise I probably would have stayed in bed all day. Instead, I did get up, and then I played Skyrim, while drinking some tea and eating the second of two little dark chocolate bars that I got in my Christmas stocking (I was saving it for when I really needed it). When my husband got home, I kind of cried and then we went to Home Depot, and he bought me a hamburger. Such a good boy; he's learned to feed me when I'm not doing well. I like him. Home Depot was a successful trip. I'm really happy with the colour I chose (Balmy sea by Behr), and the result of the project is fantastic.

Isn't it lovely? Not to mention the benefit of doing something that was really productive. It made me feel a lot better. It's also a vast improvement from the wood grain. Which was okay... but this is much, much, better.

Now, to explain the colour. I learned recently that in the deep south (in the States), all those different blue-greens (particularly light ones) are called "Haint Blue". There's superstition that was passed down from African slaves during the 1800s, that there were ghosts called 'haints' (or haunts). These were the particularly nasty ones; definitely not the ones you want in your home. Now, like all ghosts, they had one weakness. They could not cross water. Those superstitious of these spirits would mix pigments of a watery shade and paint it over all of the entrances to their homes. Because the colour was so reminiscent of water, the haints would get confused and could not enter the home. This is why you see a lot of Victorian and historical homes in the south that have this colour painted over entrances and on shutters, and all about. While the colour I chose is not spot on, it still reminded me of it. Also, haint blue is what inspired me to paint my drawers in a shade other than black. Light greenish-blue is definitely a happier, calmer colour. And while it might not protect our home against malevolent spirits, it might do something for my textiles and art supplies. Now onto phase two. Organizing and narrowing down art supplies! 

Friday, 10 January 2014

Day 50: Cleaning and relaxation

Phew. Went to school, got home, and then went on a mad frenzy of attempting to catch up with the January Cure.  I got most of the weekend chores done, which included cleaning the kitchen (and organizing it), and making a meal. The making a meal part was easy, because I do that any ways. Ultimately, I do most of the cooking, and I enjoy it. I made pizza (one with yellow pepper, cheese, bacon, and fried mushrooms; the other with yellow pepper, tomato, cheese, and olive on my half), which turned out gloriously. Cleaning the kitchen made me feel great. There's something so satisfying about deep cleaning spaces, and organizing. I can't say that I'm the best at regularly cleaning, but I'm trying to get into the habit of cleaning at least one part of the house once a week. 

After I did that, I watched Clueless while I ate, and then I had a mini spa day. I used a lovely sugar scrub that I got for Christmas (it's so nice!), and then I painted my nails. I used my O-P-I Oz: The Great and Powerful nail polish set. I think my sister-in-law gave it to me for my birthday last year (I say I think because it was passed on to me through my husband, and he was kind of vague, and gave it to me several months after my birthday). Whatever the case, I really like it. I'm not a huge nail polish person, but 3/4 of these nail polishes are fairly clear, and pretty simple. And, it's Oz themed! What's not to love? The names are I Theodora You, Don't Burst My Bubble, Glints of Glinda, and What Wizardy is This? Today, I used Don't Burst My Bubble and What Wizardry is This? I did a weird painting job where I painted all of my fingers with Don't Burst My Bubble, except for my ring fingers. Mostly because I keep seeing photos on Pinterest of people who have done their nails, and one finger is different, and I'm kind of a fan. 

Now, I'm in my pajam-jams, drinking hot chocolate (I used some Delectables mix, mixed with cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice to be super tasty), and watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer while I wait for my husband to get home.

Oh, and I was proud of my "arm candy" today.

This is what happens when I want to have a few of my favourite necklaces on my person, but I don't feel like wearing anything around my neck. I was rocking some random suede cord, my All Seeing Steampunk Eye necklace, my antique key necklace, and my Salt and Burn bracelet. Plus a thumb ring and my normal married-person-rings. I want to start wearing more bracelets. I like having random stuff on my wrists. Not sure why. Blabber blabber...

Good night! Tomorrow I start sanding and painting (oooh! I'm excited!).

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Day 49: Quinoa

Today was my first Thursday of this semester. A day to get work done, be productive, and do some house work. I was less productive that I intended. I slept in for two hours (got out of bed at 10:01), which was okay because I was just so very tired. Not to mention the fact that the bed was just so comfy. Still, I did get some projects started, and I got back on track with planning meals. I'm particularly proud of what I made for supper.

The meal consisted of quinoa (cooked in water that was boiled with chicken bouillon and a clove of garlic); Stuffed red peppers (rubbed with olive oil, seasoned with smoked salt, and lemon pepper. Stuffed with Fine Herb flavour goat cheese, and sprinkled with fresh thyme); Mushrooms cooked in the same pan as the peppers (thus, also seasoned with olive oil, smoked salt, and lemon pepper); Fresh chapati (made with milk, so they were nice and soft). I do enjoy cooking. Especially when it's new and interesting things. When I'm home alone, singing along to my favourite music, and cooking up a storm in the kitchen, I feel so happy, and personally satisfied. That is a good place to be.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Day 48...?: Materials!

Guess what, friends! Today my order from Fabric Empire came! Three colours of faux fur, including two yards of beautiful silky black. I'm so excited to get started on more hoods. Particularly all the new collections that I'm planning! Now, onto the past three days (including today).

Monday. First day back. Successful. I'll be able to work on Grimm Fabrications stuff for my Directed Studio class. In the evening, we went to my Aunt and Uncle's. It was my Uncle's birthday, so we had a lovely home cooked meal, and then we played Trivial Pursuit. It went late, as trivia based board games often do. On the way home, we got lost (why does Sarcee Trail have a giant chunk missing out of the middle? Shouldn't the two parts have different names or something?), but we managed to navigate our way home almost flawlessly. Go us.

Tuesday. Second day of school. High anxiety from first day of school. It was fine, though. My instructor for my "FINA" (I don't know what that means. Don't ask me.) class looks like a super hero in his secret identity. We watched a documentary on Ai WeiWei, which was good, but I kept falling asleep. In the evening, we picked up one of our very lovely friends, and we went to Steam-Up. 


Horrible photos of my outfit... but it was vaguely inspired by post-apocalypse and Mori girl. And now you know what my reflection looks like. You're welcome.

Today. Class was good. Still really tired. Don't worry, I will be getting more sleep from now on. I can't survive on this little sleep, and I know it. I bought some art supplies to make some jewellery that I wanted to make for the Comic Expo, and I started doing some drafting for a new pattern.

Lots to do. No time to waste. Tomorrow is one of my days off, and I'm looking forward to getting work done, and making supper. 

Oh, also, this is what I look like when I'm trying to break white light into the colour spectrum. Y'know. When I'm being a prism.