Sunday, 5 January 2014

Day 45: Last day of winter break

Today was the last day of winter break. Tomorrow we return to school. Le sigh. Still, not necessarily a bad thing. I've finally gotten back into the swing of working on projects, and now I should be able to dive into the semester fairly well. Now, while I was fairly productive, today was still a lazy day. We spent the entire day watching Breaking Bad. We are now onto Season 3, and we watched the majority of it. 

I made crepes.

I had made crepes yesterday morning as well, but we only had one egg, which made a grand total of two crepes. Last night we bought eggs, so I was able to double the recipe and make 11 or 12. It satisfied the hankering that I had for delicious crepes. 

The rest of the day was spend sewing and designing. 

I'm still working on the same corset. I'm not sure how much I actually like the pattern (to be fair, I've deviated a bit, but it's mostly the shape that I'm unsure of), but I'm going to wait to finish it and then we'll go from there. This one will probably end up being fairly Marie Antoinette-ish, because of the amount of detailing that I'll be putting into it once the body is done. 

Back to school tomorrow. I can hardly believe it. Not to mention my disbelief towards the fact that it is the my last semester of school. I'll be graduating in just four months. Unbelievable. It'll be a lot of work, but I'm okay with that. However, a few months before I can breathe a heavy sigh of relief towards being done. Not done yet! It's just the calm before the storm.

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