Sunday, 19 January 2014

Day 59: Pin Up & Rockabilly


Today marks my first attempt at victory rolls /or/ pin up swirls. It took me over an hour to get ready this morning because I was doing my hair. Hurrah for me! It was fun, though. I don't really get the opportunity to do grandiose hairstyle. Having my hair like this makes me feel really confident and happy. In general, any old style of hair or fashion does. And that, dear friends, is why I always use liquid eyeliner and finish it with wings. It just makes me feel good.

My swirls were kind of placed weird, and I definitely want to attempt these again. I just need more hair spray first. The rest of my hair kind of looks like a rat's nest... but I'm okay with that. Making pin up swirls is just such fun, and yeah. Good feelings all around. 

I really do like pin up and rockabilly styles. It's one of those things that I drift away from, but every time I return, I feel so at home and happy. Apparently a deep part of me wants to be a proper Betty.

Here are some drawings of rockabilly-ish things. Just a couple of sketchbook drawings.

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