Phew. Went to school, got home, and then went on a mad frenzy of attempting to catch up with the January Cure. I got most of the weekend chores done, which included cleaning the kitchen (and organizing it), and making a meal. The making a meal part was easy, because I do that any ways. Ultimately, I do most of the cooking, and I enjoy it. I made pizza (one with yellow pepper, cheese, bacon, and fried mushrooms; the other with yellow pepper, tomato, cheese, and olive on my half), which turned out gloriously. Cleaning the kitchen made me feel great. There's something so satisfying about deep cleaning spaces, and organizing. I can't say that I'm the best at regularly cleaning, but I'm trying to get into the habit of cleaning at least one part of the house once a week.
After I did that, I watched Clueless while I ate, and then I had a mini spa day. I used a lovely sugar scrub that I got for Christmas (it's so nice!), and then I painted my nails. I used my O-P-I Oz: The Great and Powerful nail polish set. I think my sister-in-law gave it to me for my birthday last year (I say I think because it was passed on to me through my husband, and he was kind of vague, and gave it to me several months after my birthday). Whatever the case, I really like it. I'm not a huge nail polish person, but 3/4 of these nail polishes are fairly clear, and pretty simple. And, it's Oz themed! What's not to love? The names are I Theodora You, Don't Burst My Bubble, Glints of Glinda, and What Wizardy is This? Today, I used Don't Burst My Bubble and What Wizardry is This? I did a weird painting job where I painted all of my fingers with Don't Burst My Bubble, except for my ring fingers. Mostly because I keep seeing photos on Pinterest of people who have done their nails, and one finger is different, and I'm kind of a fan.
Now, I'm in my pajam-jams, drinking hot chocolate (I used some Delectables mix, mixed with cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice to be super tasty), and watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer while I wait for my husband to get home.
Oh, and I was proud of my "arm candy" today.
This is what happens when I want to have a few of my favourite necklaces on my person, but I don't feel like wearing anything around my neck. I was rocking some random suede cord, my All Seeing Steampunk Eye necklace, my antique key necklace, and my Salt and Burn bracelet. Plus a thumb ring and my normal married-person-rings. I want to start wearing more bracelets. I like having random stuff on my wrists. Not sure why. Blabber blabber...
Good night! Tomorrow I start sanding and painting (oooh! I'm excited!).
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