Today was a busy work day. This blog doesn't nearly cover everything I did. (Including cutting out a lot of fake fur for the next run of hoods, and more work on an upcoming steampunk Red Riding Hood costume.) First of all, I am proud to say that I made the best icing I have ever made. As a result, I made the perfect cupcake.
It is a white cake with Earl Grey tea mixed in (I was too lazy to infuse the butter with tea, but this worked just as well). The icing is the most perfect butter cream icing. It was so smooth, and the perfect flavour. It was just vanilla, but still... Perfection. I decided to make the icing purple in hopes that I might confuse my brain into thinking that it was lavender icing. Which would be ideal, but for the time being... The ideal texture is more than I can ask for. Bonus: In the background of this photo is the fabric that I am using for the skirt of my Red Riding Hood skirt. It's kind of a mossy colour. Lots of forest tones, and I'm pleased to announce that the skirt is turning out exactly as I'd hoped.
I also made a delicious vegetarian meal. Roasted vegetable, and delicious pretzel buns. The best I've made yet. I felt kind of morbid dishing out supper, though, because the beets that I made mixed with olive oil and started to look mighty bloody.
Don't get me wrong. It was delicious. I just hadn't intended to make a themed meal to go along with our Dexter watching. It just looks like blood... Which doesn't normally bother me, but in the context of vegetables made me a bit squeamish. As if I don't have enough moral issues with eating vegetables.
And finally... Played around with makeup. I took series of photos with one version, then I added a couple more things and went outside. I meant to take more photos outside, but it was cold... Thus the slightly discontented face.
I'm kind of going through a mild American Horror Story withdrawal. Coven ended last week, and I can't wait for Season 4 to start. Won't be for a while... and thus, I'm just missing my favourite Season yet. I was kind of inspired by it, particularly in wardrobe. The makeup was inspired mostly be things that I've seen on Pinterest recently, but I think they are rather witchy. It was pretty fun. Lots of black eyeliner. I did learn that it's rather difficult to draw a crescent moon when you're out of practice... or haven't drawn many solid shapes on your face in general.
Here is a really terrible photograph of my outfit. I don't know why, but I'm actually a fan of terrible photos, so I do kind of like it.
On a side note, just let me say how much I love that surreal colour that the snow becomes when the sun goes down. You know that kind of irreplaceable blue. That blue that you just cannot replicate. The shade of blue that only exists in winter. It's so beautiful. So strange. So ethereal and somehow secret.
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