Now that I'm done my mini review of Sugo... What did I do today? Prior to date afternoon with husband man...
I decided that today was a good day to try to do my Loitering project for school. I don't really feel like explaining... mostly because it's pretty much what it sounds like. A project where we have to loiter in order to see things, record, so on. See what happens. I'm not sure how successful I was. I ended up collecting a lot of leaves and dirt. I think that I'll record more over the next few days. I'll try to loiter about. It's just weird because I notice everything already. Forcing myself to try to notice more is just.... I dunno. An annoyance? Ah well. Collecting leaves and dirt was fun. I like taping things into my sketchbook. To be honest, I think loitering would be more enjoyable if it wasn't cold outside. It was beautiful today, but it didn't get really nice until the afternoon.
Prior to eating food, my husband and I antiqued and wandered around the shops in Inglewood. After eating food, we went thrifting. I found a top for a pirate costume, and a really cool bag.
What is better than an old lady bag. Made out of tapestry fabric. Fabric that depicts flowers and cats. And all I paid was $4. Fantastic. Thank you, Value Village. Sometimes your prices make sense, and sometimes it's things that I want.
Tomorrow I am going to attempt making my mermaid bustle, a skirt, and a few more hoods. Let's see if I can follow through!
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