Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Day 82: Ghosts and donuts and a fairly unfortunate day

Today was a strange day. I was supposed to have a critique, but the instructor was sick, which I didn't find out until I got to school. I managed to get my social sciences homework done, so that was good, but it was still too bad. Then, the rest of the day was a strange balance of good and bad.

First of all, I got 20 feet of silk. I don't think I mentioned this, but I applied for a grant from my department at school, and I received it! It was just enough to pay for all of the silk that I needed for my grad piece. I was so surprised to actually receive it, and I'm so excited to make this project! Any ways, I had to get some other things as well, and while I was carrying a very disorganized armful of supplies, I ended up with an interesting welt in my arm.

Kind of heart shaped.... what does it mean that my art supplies gave me a heart shaped welt? It has since reduced to two red scratches, but the fact that happened! Weird. Kind of hurt, too.

Later I got home, and I was doing dishes. This is the most unfortunate and sad thing that happened to me today.

I was drying one of the vintage mixing bowls that my mum gave me for my bridal shower, and... Slip, perplunk, smash. My favourite one of the set, laying in pieces on the kitchen floor. I almost burst into tears. However, I am an adult, so I found a paper bag, picked up the pieces, and swept carefully. I kept a couple of the pieces, and right now they're on my shelf. I just really liked the pattern that was along the side. It's this bird and flower design, and it's just quite lovely. I still have other bowls, but this one was the perfect size, and was just so lovely. I hate that moment when you drop something, and your brain slows it down, so you have to watch it slide through the air, until the impending doom occurs. Shatter.

Listening to Gogol Bordello while making a casserole cheered me up a bit, but I'm still a bit sad about the bowl. It's just so unfortunate. Sweeping up broken things is such a let down. After supper, I started work on a new corset.

This one is inspired by Rococo, and a little bit of burlesque. The front bodice piece is going to be embroidered with Rococo/18th century inspired pattern, with text relating to gender-based anxieties. 

Here is a rough drawing of the embroidery-to-be. It is based off of the embroidery from an 18th century pannier gown.

It's driving me insane...

This strange mark appears in the top right corner of my documentation. And I have no idea what it is. It's some kind of shadow... Or more likely, a ghost. Because I watched a found footage movie about the Bell Witch, and she probably found out, and came here all the way from Tennessee, and now I'm in trouble. OH NO. 

In other news, here are some photos that were taken of us at the Well, Basil My Rathbone classic film night. It was good fun. The photos were taken by the talented Kelly Hofer (link goes to his Facebook page, where you can lots and lots of his work). 


Again. One of my favourite outfits yet.

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