Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Day 96: I should have been in bed an hour ago, but time slipped through my fingers

I'm dead tired. I've been dead tired for several hours, so maybe that explains why time slipped by so quickly. Still, I wanted to blog tonight so that I wouldn't have to lump two days together. After all... what's another fifteen minutes? 

Here's a quick run down of my brain.

This song. The essence of it has been rolling around in the back of my eyes these past few days. I have been listening to on repeat. 

I made these stencils ('bout time). I'll be printing at least one of them this week. Hopefully more than that. Depends on how long it takes my screen to dry in between prints. Or if I act a little recklessly and print all of them in one go, lightly washing and drying the screen in between. That being said, that's a bad idea, and I probably won't do that.

I cut out some silk for a corset, and gave some pieces to my mice. They're pretty stoked about it. Why? Because I decided that my mice chewing holes in a corset is a far better form of embellishment that anything I could ever do. It's making me think of that Aesops' Fable where the lion gets caught in a trap, and the mouse chews the ropes to set him free. Goes along with the topics and ideas that I'm working with. Restrained by something, something else unraveling it, or at least removing the constraint. Bonus, my mice get giant silk blankets to chew on, nest in, and pee on for a few weeks. That makes them quite happy. 

And yes. I will be thoroughly washing the fabric before I make it into a corset.


Last but not least, here is a printer playing 'Eye of the Tiger'. Or so we're led to believe. Whether or not it's real, the idea alone is absolutely amazing. (Original source: Vimeo.)

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