Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Day 88 & 89: Family Day and other adventures

Yesterday I worked. It was Family Day. The museum was free, with lots of activities, events, and food, and because of that the museum was packed, busy, and action packed. I did learn that my own personal purgatory is being stuck at a kids' craft table, with no idea what I'm supposed to be doing, trying to teach kids and their parents how to make bracelets while also trying to cut string. Nightmare. Thankfully it was only for half an hour. That wore me out. When I got home, we watched the latest episode of The Walking Dead, and then some friends came over. Kind of sleepy. 

Today was a productive day. I woke up, and wore mismatching socks.

Yes, that is kind of a big deal. I couldn't find matching socks, and this worked. It's fun to be rebellious. (OOOOOH mismatching socks! Such rebellious. Much wow.

Any ways, I moved on to work on hoods. I watched way too much My Little Pony (le sign), but I managed to finish my Supernatural inspired hoods for the Expo. Yay! I call the hoods 'The Hellhound'/ 'Hellhounds'. 

This is a terrible photograph. Better photos will be posted to my Grimm Fabrications blog soon. The lining is made up of Devil's Traps, and it was printed by Spoonflower. I'm quite pleased. 

Tomorrow... I'll be continuing to test out unicorn hoods, and a buncha buncha cruncha drawings. I've decided to draw a bunch of things and sell them as one-of-a-kind art cards. I'll photograph them for my reference, but I probably won't make prints of the postcards that I'm selling. That way anyone who buys art from me at the Expo (if anyone) will get a unique piece of art done by yours truly. I hope that people will buy my weird art. It's weird, but it's my weirdness. More on that tomorrow!

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