Friday 25 October 2013

Day 355: Fabulous Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! Look at me, doing stuff and being productive! Good times for all when I have my day off. Fridays are always my lazy sleep in and make food days. They're also my 'I'm going to do dramatic makeup on my face and then wash it off in the span of a hour' days. At least for October. In case no one has noticed that trend.

First of all, I will say that I felt like a lazy bum today. Last night, we ate food, and then we were wanting to watch a movie. During the decision making process, I fell asleep and faded in and out of sleep. When we finally decided on a movie, I fell asleep after maybe half an hour. I woke up a few times, but for the most part, I slept right through it. My husband woke me up, and then we went to bed. I commenced to sleep for a little over (or under) ten hours. Apparently all of my working and stressing added up to the fact that I just needed a solid sleep, and lots of it. After that, though, I had a lazy morning. Never mind the fact that the first thing I did was watch Haxan (or attempt to... mostly background music) and did Carrie/Weeping statue/Virginal inspired makeup (with lots of blood). Then I went outside, in my bare feet and a blood splattered dress and took photos. 

Bear in mind that I live in suburbia. I was tempted to go further beyond the property to take photos, but I figured that someone wearing few clothes and being partially covered in blood might warrant phone calls. Even so, I got this cool photograph, which I then edited.

Kind of makes me think of when someone takes a 'ghost photograph' and zooms in to show the apparition, so it ends up fuzzy and creepy.

Also on the agenda today, I made pizza and chocolate chip banana muffins. 

The pizza of the week was ground lamb, spinach, mixed vegetables, tomato sauce, mozzarella, and parmesan. The crust wasn't my best ever, but boy. Lamb is tasty. Mmmm lamb.

This is the first time that I have made banana muffins. They are tasty. No butter or oil (I didn't have much of either). Definitely not as good as my mum's recipe, but pretty tasty. A slightly healthier ("healthier") alternative to my recent baking escapades. Plus, breakfast food! One of my Facebook friends/acquaintances offered the brilliant idea of substituting pumpkin for banana, thus creating pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. That sounds delicious, and perfect for fall, so I'm thinking that I'll try that out next week. It might mean that my husband and I carve one or two small sugar pumpkins, or something. Either way... Sounds like a good breakfast treat for Hallowe'en morning!

Oooooh Hallowe'en is so close. I get as excited for Hallowe'en as I do for Christmas Eve. I'm weirdly giddy about it this year. 


  1. I love your face!
    It is strangely appealing. It has a trace of carnival clown, which may explain why some children are terrified of clowns. It as a trace of Harlequin with the strong contrast. And it has a trace of highly made- up courtesan with the rouged cheeks.

    1. Thank you! I didn't even think of any of those references. They're intriguing. The blood mostly fell where it wanted to, as I had little control over it. But still, those are neat thoughts! Thanks!
