Sunday 30 December 2012

Day 56: Medical Corset

Back in Calgary. I miss dogs and the prairie already. Nonetheless, I'm back to work at the sewing machine. Thus far, I've made the majority of a corset. It is medical corset inspired, and I'm having a bit of trouble with the back, but it's going pretty well. I have a specific back in mine. One that uses elastic. This makes it a little bit more complicated. Otherwise it's going really well, and it's the first corset I've made that uses steel ribbing. Thanks Santa for the ribbing! 

Also, it's a pattern that I made myself. Skill! I'm planning to finish it tomorrow, and then try making a dress. Maybe. I'm just really itching to try out the patterns in a dress making book that my Mum gave me for Christmas. I have such a great family!

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