Friday 7 June 2013

Day 215: Ouroboros and Anchor

Look! Productivity! Today was great. Work (which is okay. Some days are boring, but at least my presentations/tours are getting better!... Albeit longer... I'm starting to push towards going overtime...), and then I went and stocked up on real groceries (I bought a HUGE bag of flour for $10 on sale. Y'know the biggest size you can get? Yeah. Those. I also stocked up on meat and veg and good fruit), and then I cooked myself dinner. After that, I moved into making things! In this case, stamps for wedding things. I'm so terribly pleased with them. 

The stamp is a design that my fiancee and I came up with. It's a combination of an ouroboros (infinite snake or snake eating its tail) and an anchor. The ouroboros symbolizes immortality and eternal life, and in the Victorian era the snake eating its own tail was a symbol of eternal love. Queen Victoria's wedding ring was a snake eating its tail. The anchor is a symbol of hope and stability. The anchor is one of my favourite symbols because of nautical tattoo culture. The anchor is always seen with someone's name (i.e. 'Mom' or one's sweetheart) because the anchor symbolizes stability, and therefore with the name it symbolizes that that person is the stability in your life. Thus, both symbols are important in our commitment to marry. Stability and eternity. 

In other news, I really like having a clean work space again. Well, the table is only "clean", but at least it's bare and I can actually use it again. Also, in other,  other, news... I like marionettes!

This is a pattern that I made for work. Or a detail of it. I made a few, all modeled after the same shape and design. However, I like it so much that I am stealing it from myself and I'm going to use the pattern for my own purposes. In general, I want to try making marionettes.

I basically decided that I should go one of two directions with my life. One, become a master marionette maker and revert marionettes towards their 19th century appeal and use for adult entertainment (both in comedy and keeping viewers up-to-date with recent events). Alternatively, there is direction two, which would be to open a shop which is half oddities/antique/weird art shop and half museum. My fiancee suggested that I just blend the two directions and make one of the greatest things ever. I really do like the idea of having a shop. An actual tactile shop that will have the occasional events and shows and attract the most curious array of individuals. 

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