Tuesday 25 June 2013

Day 233: Packing up my life

I don't really have anything to show for today. I made a casserole, which was good (except that the recipe was weird, so I ended up with three servings instead of six. Still tasty. I just wish that cook books wouldn't use ounces or packages'). Most excitingly, I started packing up and got some of my things moved to my future home. It's depressing, though. All of my most interesting things are slowly being packed up, and are being put in boxes to be shoved away into a closet until I can unpack them and start a new chapter of my life with my soon-to-be husband in our new home. It's just so sad to see my skulls and  pelts and bits of lace and framed pictures and books and... well... everything be packed up. 

I don't like packing. I don't like moving.

Still, the more time I spend away from my current apartment, the more I dislike it when I return. So, it's ultimately a good thing that I'll be moving out in a month and six days. Officially. All my stuff will be out before then. I really can't wait. 

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