Thursday 20 June 2013

Day 228: Embroidered Pants

My computer is not wanting to read my camera memory card, so I couldn't post photos, and the photo also didn't show details very well. Poor lighting. Basically, I recently received some trousers that I'd ordered from Historical Emporium. These lovely men's Ferndale Striped Trousers. They fit me quite well, albeit a little bit odd. As they are men's pants and men's pants tend to fit differently because of understandable physical reasons. Still, they are perfect for Coyote, and they look really cool. I have started embroidering on the inside of the trousers. The embroidery has different significance regarding the personal history of Coyote. So far so good!

Tomorrow I will be off to Drumheller for a camping trip. This is assuming that we are able to leave the city and weather permits. Calgary is under all kinds of flood warnings, because of the amount of rain and the rising of the Bow and Elbow rivers. Not very pretty. I'm glad that my apartment is high enough up and far enough from the rivers that flooding shouldn't affect me. I just hope that the weather permits to let us go camping and dinosaur hunting! Adventuring is needed. I just love camping! And this is camping with steampunkery! 

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